Republican Reps. Young Kim and Michelle Steel are California lawmakers who are feeling confident about their chances of being re-elected for the third time this fall. Both women were first elected in 2020 and represent Orange County-based districts that are competitive targets for both parties. Kim and Steel are immigrants who have lived the American dream, and they hope to bring back the hope and former glory of California for future generations.

Kim is running against retired fire captain Joe Kerr, while Steel is facing off against army veteran and attorney Derek Tran. Both women won their districts in 2022 with substantial margins. Steel believes that her district’s rising immigrant population, particularly Asian American immigrants, will be a benefit to her campaign. She sees the hope for change, as immigrants in her district work hard and bring valuable values to their communities.

The economy is a top issue for Californians, with high taxes and a high cost of living being major concerns. Both Kim and Steel voted against the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, citing the high price tag and the burden it would place on taxpayers. Steel’s campaign focuses on stopping inflation and lowering taxes, while Kim is working to prevent bills that will increase inflation and add to the financial burden on Californians.

Both campaigns are focusing on their ground game efforts, especially since Orange County’s congressional districts went for Biden in 2020. Interns and volunteers are working hard to phone bank and canvass in support of Kim and Steel. However, the campaigns have faced criticism on issues like abortion, IVF, and Project 2025, which have been highlighted in Democratic messaging to challenge the GOP candidates in tough races.

Kim dismissed Project 2025 as a distraction created by the media, stating that her constituents are not discussing it. Democrats have criticized Steel for allegedly trying to ban abortion in California, but she clarified her pro-life stance with exceptions for incest, rape, and a mother’s health. Steel also emphasized the importance of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), as it played a crucial role in her own journey to motherhood. Despite the criticisms, both Kim and Steel remain focused on their campaigns and are determined to win re-election.

Both Steel and Kim are in strong financial positions compared to their opponents, with millions of dollars in the bank for their re-election campaigns. Cook Political Report ranks Steel’s race as “Lean Republican” and Kim’s race as “Likely Republican,” indicating their strong chances of winning this fall. Despite the challenges they face, both lawmakers are optimistic about their re-election prospects and remain committed to serving their constituents in California.

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