The FDNY’s second-in-command, Joseph Pfeifer, has been removed by the new Commissioner Robert Tucker just days after Tucker took over. Pfeifer, who was the department’s top earner, earning over $500,000, informed colleagues that he is being forced out after the exit of the former Commissioner Lauren Kavanagh, who had hired him. City Hall supported Tucker’s decision and stated that the department would announce any leadership changes when they are officially made. Pfeifer had served in the department for 37 years until 2018, and was brought out of retirement last year to serve under the FDNY’s first female leader.

Pfeifer’s hiring occurred during a tumultuous time when then-Commissioner Kavanagh clashed with three of her top chiefs after demoting them. It was believed that she brought in Pfeifer to ensure that there was still firefighting experience in the top ranks of the FDNY. Due to his ability to legally “double dip,” Pfeifer was the top earner, collecting his salary of $242,727 along with his pension of $279,304, totaling $522,000 in fiscal year 2024. Under Kavanagh, he oversaw the department’s day-to-day operations and activities across its offices and bureaus. Sources suggest that Pfeifer may be replaced by EMS Chief Michael Fields or Battalion Chief Mark Guerra, and other shakeups within the department include Kavanagh’s chief of staff moving to City Hall to work under Deputy Mayor Phil Banks.

Mayoral spokeswoman Liz Garcia stated that Commissioner Tucker would build a staff that aligns with his vision for the FDNY and the administration. City Hall supported Tucker’s decision to replace Pfeifer and indicated that any forthcoming leadership changes would be officially announced. Pfeifer, in a farewell email to colleagues, expressed gratitude for the time working with them and mentioned that City Hall would appoint a new First Deputy Commissioner to replace him. His departure comes amid a series of changes within the department, including the reshuffling of top officials. Pfeifer’s removal is part of an ongoing restructuring process under the new Commissioner Tucker.

Pfeifer’s removal marks the end of his tenure as the FDNY’s second-in-command, a position he had held for a year and a half after being brought out of retirement. He had originally retired from the department in 2018 after serving for 37 years before returning to work under Commissioner Kavanagh. Pfeifer, who was known for his extensive experience in firefighting, was seen as a stabilizing force within the department during a period of upheaval. However, his removal signals a shift in leadership under the new Commissioner Tucker, who is making changes to ensure that the FDNY aligns with his vision and goals for the department.

Despite Pfeifer’s long history with the department and his significant contributions, his removal reflects the need for new leadership and a fresh direction within the FDNY. While his departure may come as a surprise to some colleagues, City Hall and Commissioner Tucker are determined to move forward with their plans for the department. The appointment of a new First Deputy Commissioner signals a new chapter for the FDNY under Commissioner Tucker’s leadership. The department will likely undergo further changes and restructuring as the new leadership team takes charge and implements its vision for the future of the FDNY.

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