Beri Smither, a veteran model who began her career in 1989, is still receiving plenty of opportunities in the fashion industry at 53 years old. She is part of a group of experienced models from the ’90s-era who are making a comeback, alongside icons like Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Christy Turlington. This resurgence of models from past eras is tapping into a sense of nostalgia for a time when models were more traditional and revered, highlighting a different energy than the internet-driven world of today.

Despite the fondness for nostalgia in the fashion industry, the landscape has evolved significantly since Smither first started her career. Back in 1989, the modeling industry was less influenced by social media and celebrity culture. Models were discovered in places like malls or ice rinks rather than through famous connections or large social media followings. Exposure for models was primarily through tangible products like magazines, whereas now it is focused on viral internet moments and content creation, reflecting the shifting nature of celebrity and fame.

A notable change in the fashion industry is the celebration of models of all generations, with a focus on diversity and inclusivity. Older models are now walking major runways and appearing in high-end campaigns, challenging ageist stereotypes and norms within the industry. This shift is a welcome change for many models like Liisa Winkler, who began her career in her teens and experienced pressure to be younger throughout her career. Now in her 40s, she is still booking high-profile gigs and enjoys the newfound acceptance of models of all ages.

The key to Smither’s longevity in the industry is “preservation,” which includes taking care of herself physically, internally, spiritually, and mentally. She emphasizes the importance of community engagement, purpose finding, relationship building, and self-care practices like exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Smither also shares her journey of overcoming past struggles with obsessive exercise, eating disorders, and substance abuse, highlighting the importance of self-care and wellness in maintaining a successful modeling career.

In her earlier years as a model, Smither never expected to have such a long and successful career. She lived each moment as if it could be her last, but through dedication to self-care and lifestyle changes, she has been able to extend her career well into her 50s. For models like Winkler, who took a break from modeling to become a mother and pursue education, the acceptance of models of all ages has allowed for a reentry into the industry and continued success at an older age. This shift in the industry reflects a broader trend toward inclusivity and diversity in fashion.

As Smither continues to grace the runways and appear in high-end campaigns, she remains committed to her health and wellness routine, including regular exercise, mindful eating, and self-care practices. By prioritizing her physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, Smither is able to maintain her professional success in an industry that is increasingly embracing models of all ages and backgrounds. Her story serves as an inspiration for models of all generations, showing that with dedication to self-care and preservation, a successful and fulfilling career in modeling is within reach regardless of age.

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