Cedric Hodges from Big Brother believes that his alliance, known as The Pentagon, will face challenges in the game, especially with Tucker Des Lauriers being named the Head of Household. Cedric expressed concern for Brooklyn Rivera, who had campaigned hard for him, and doubts how the other members of the alliance will fare moving forward. He learned of Tucker’s win in the iconic wall competition and admitted that they were in trouble.

Tucker’s victory in the competition was described by Cedric as both surprising and expected, as Tucker has established himself as a strong competitor throughout the season. With wins in various challenges and competitions, Tucker has proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with. Cedric acknowledged Tucker’s skills and expressed his admiration for him, despite their rivalry in the game. He regretted not being able to see how the week would play out with Tucker in power.

Cedric was part of The Pentagon alliance alongside Cam, Chelsie, Brooklyn, and Quinn. They were in a strong position in the game, but things took a turn when Quinn revealed their alliance to another group called The Visionaries, which included T’Kor and Kimo. The Visionaries decided to blindside Cedric in an attempt to weaken The Pentagon alliance, ultimately leading to Cedric’s eviction from the game.

The rivalry between Cedric and Tucker intensified in the week leading up to Cedric’s eviction. Tucker won the Power of Veto but used it to save another player instead of himself, leading to tensions between the two. Cedric faced a dilemma when Tucker wanted him to put up Quinn as a replacement nominee, but Cedric chose to remain loyal to Quinn, ultimately leading to his downfall in the game. The decision to stay true to his alliance with Quinn strained Cedric’s relationship with Tucker.

Despite their competitive relationship in the game, Cedric has a lot of respect and love for Tucker as a person. However, he believes that Tucker’s focus on competitiveness may hinder his longevity in the game, as he lacks the social aspect of the game. Cedric predicts that Tucker may not last long in the house due to his intense competitive nature. Big Brother airs on CBS on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET and Sundays at 9 p.m. ET.

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