Darülaceze, a care facility for the elderly and homeless, experienced the excitement of Eid al-Adha this year, just like every other year. The festivities began in the morning in the institution’s garden, with the residents of Darülaceze continuing to greet visitors and engage in conversations with them. The President of Darülaceze, Esra Ceceli İslam, stated that there were over 400 guests in the facility, including children aged 0-3, with the majority of residents being elderly and disabled individuals.

As is the tradition on every holiday, visitors did not leave the residents of Darülaceze alone this Eid al-Adha. Esra Ceceli İslam mentioned that they all gathered in the garden in the morning for the holiday greetings, and invited all the people of Istanbul to come and visit. She also highlighted their Eid al-Adha campaign, where citizens could bring their sacrificial animals, and the facility would provide a small treat in return. This allowed visitors to explore the facility and she encouraged especially young people to come and visit.

Ali Gülcan, the President of the Goodness Club, mentioned that they visited Darülaceze as a club, engaging in conversations with the elderly residents. He stressed the value of first-time visitors to Darülaceze, noting that they often become regular visitors afterwards. He mentioned that they are frequently asked by visitors what they should bring, to which they respond, “Bring your smile.” The facility offers music events in the summer, casual gatherings in the cafeteria, and walks together, and are always welcoming new visitors, emphasizing that all that is needed is time.

One of the 15-year residents of Darülaceze, 96-year-old Ercan Pişirir, shared his story, revealing that he used to be a construction worker, his wife passed away, and his grandchild from Izmit visits him during the holidays. He enjoys playing the saz and believes that reconciliation amongst estranged family members is important during the holidays. As Ercan Pişirir expressed his desire to make amends with his siblings in Izmir, he shared that he has five siblings and due to the estrangement, he cannot visit them. Despite his desire to reconcile and apologize for any mistakes, he is unable to physically reach out to them.

Gül Samsunlu, who arrived at Darülaceze 2.5 months ago and does not have children, shares a room with her brother who has been at the facility for 8 years. She mentioned that their relatives frequently call and visit them, and took the opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday. The residents of Darülaceze, especially the elderly individuals, look forward to these visits and interactions with visitors, as they bring joy and a sense of connection during the holidays. Each year, the spirit of Eid al-Adha is celebrated with compassion, kindness, and a shared sense of community at Darülaceze.

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