An excavator operator, A.K, working at the Forestry Management Directorate, discovered ammunition while digging in the Tavra Deresi area and brought it to the directorate.
Upon receiving this information, bomb disposal teams were dispatched to the Forestry Management Directorate.
Security measures were taken in the area, and the personnel at the directorate were evacuated.
After examination, the ammunition was determined to be an empty anti-tank training rocket, and bomb disposal teams took it to a different location for disposal.

The discovery of ammunition in the Tavra Deresi area by an excavator operator working at the Forestry Management Directorate led to the dispatch of bomb disposal teams to the site. As a precautionary measure, security measures were taken in the area and the personnel at the directorate were evacuated to ensure their safety. The ammunition, identified as an empty anti-tank training rocket, was taken by the bomb disposal teams for disposal in a different location. The quick response of the authorities helped prevent any potential dangers that could have arisen from the discovery of the ammunition.

The diligent actions of A.K, the excavator operator, in bringing the discovered ammunition to the attention of the Forestry Management Directorate, played a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the area. The cooperation between A.K and the authorities helped facilitate the prompt response of bomb disposal teams, ultimately leading to the safe disposal of the ammunition. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in handling potentially dangerous materials and the need for quick and effective response measures to mitigate any risks.

The discovery of the ammunition highlights the potential risks involved in excavation work, especially in areas where historical military activities may have taken place. The incident serves as a cautionary tale for operators and workers in similar fields to be aware of the possibility of encountering hazardous materials and to follow proper protocols in such situations. The quick and coordinated response by the authorities demonstrates the importance of having well-trained bomb disposal teams and emergency protocols in place to handle such incidents effectively and ensure the safety of the public and personnel involved.

As the ammunition was identified as an empty anti-tank training rocket, the situation was quickly assessed and the necessary measures were taken to secure and dispose of the item safely. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper handling and disposal of military materials to prevent any potential risks or accidents. It also highlights the significance of a coordinated effort between workers and authorities in responding to unexpected discoveries and ensuring the safety of the surrounding area and individuals. The efficient response to this incident demonstrates the effectiveness of emergency protocols and the importance of vigilance in dealing with potentially hazardous situations in the workplace.

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