An attack by Iranian drones and ballistic missiles on Israel posed a significant challenge to Israel’s air defense system, which has been working tirelessly to intercept incoming rocket, drone, and missile attacks during the ongoing six-month war against Hamas. Over 200 missiles and drones were fired from Iran towards Israel, with the majority being intercepted by the defense system. However, an unknown number of missiles did fall in Israeli territory, resulting in at least one child being wounded in the attack.

Israel’s air defense system consists of multiple layers, each designed to intercept different types of threats. The Arrow system, developed in collaboration with the U.S., is designed to intercept long-range missiles, including the ballistic missiles launched by Iran in the recent attack. The system operates outside the atmosphere and has been used in the current war to intercept missiles launched by Houthi militants in Yemen. The David’s Sling system, also developed with the U.S., is meant to intercept medium-range missiles typically possessed by groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The Patriot system, another American-made system, is the oldest member of Israel’s missile defense arsenal and has been in use since the First Gulf War in 1991. It was used to intercept Scud missiles fired by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein at the time. The Patriot system is now used to shoot down aircraft, including drones. The Iron Dome system, developed by Israel with U.S. support, specializes in shooting down short-range rockets and has been instrumental in intercepting thousands of rockets during the current conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah. The system boasts a success rate of over 90%.

Additionally, Israel is developing a new system called Iron Beam, which uses laser technology to intercept incoming threats. This system is seen as a game-changer due to its lower operating costs compared to existing systems, although it is not yet operational. The constant threats faced by Israel, such as the recent attack by Iranian drones and missiles, highlight the importance of a robust and effective air defense system. Despite the challenges posed by sophisticated missile and drone attacks, Israel’s multi-layered defense system has proven effective in intercepting incoming threats and protecting the country from harm.

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