May Lor Xiong, a former teacher and Republican congressional candidate in Minnesota’s 4th District, criticized Governor Tim Walz’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, claiming that it resulted in a learning loss for immigrant students. Xiong, who taught public school for 20 years, stated that 50% of students in Minnesota are not reading on their grade level following the pandemic. She emphasized the impact on immigrant students, particularly students of color, who struggled the most in the educational system during the pandemic.

Xiong highlighted the challenges faced by immigrant students, many of whom are new to the country and required additional support for virtual learning. She mentioned personally traveling to students’ homes to help them with the use of technology such as the internet and iPads. Xiong also criticized Walz for allowing the city of Minneapolis to burn down in 2020, stating that his leadership during such events could potentially lead to similar consequences if he and Vice President Harris were elected.

Born in a refugee camp, Xiong described herself as a product of the American dream and emphasized the diversity of her district, which includes Hmong Americans, Korean, Hispanic, and Somali immigrants. She discussed the importance of engaging with these communities and addressing their concerns, particularly related to the economy, education, and crime. Xiong asserted that voters in her district are focused on ensuring quality education for their children, expressing concerns about indoctrination and socialist influences in the school system.

In terms of issues that are important to voters, Xiong emphasized the need for a leader who can bring prosperity to the community, prioritize education, and address crime. She criticized the current state of the school system and called for a leader who cares about the country and wants to make a positive difference in the community. Xiong stressed the importance of conveying her message to voters and ensuring that their voices are heard in the political process.

Overall, Xiong’s campaign focuses on addressing the challenges faced by immigrant students in the Minnesota education system, as well as broader issues such as economic prosperity, education, and crime. She highlights her personal experiences in the educational system and her commitment to making a positive impact on the community if elected. Xiong’s candidacy aims to represent the diverse voices in her district and advocate for policies that support the well-being and success of all residents.

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