A former federal firearms instructor from Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia, Dave Katz, is warning that the recent arrest of two Jordanian nationals in a box truck at the base could have been a “dry run” for a potential terror attack. Katz believes that if the truck had been loaded with explosives, it could have been a devastating weapon if it made it close enough to an occupied building. This incident is being compared to the 9/11 hijackers trying to test security and feasibility before carrying out their attacks.

The two men, who arrived at the base posing as delivery drivers, were stopped by military police at the gate. Despite being stopped, the driver allegedly tried to move into the compound, prompting the officers to deploy vehicle denial barriers and detain the individuals. While the men had no weapons or prior criminal records, authorities have not provided evidence suggesting a terror-related motive. Katz doubts their cover story that they were contracted drivers for Amazon, and Amazon has stated that they do not believe the duo were delivering anything on the company’s behalf.

Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner has confirmed that the two suspects are facing removal proceedings, although they have not been publicly identified. One of the suspects entered the U.S. illegally through San Diego in April, while the other overstayed his student visa. This raises concerns about the country’s open southern border and the possibility of enemies infiltrating through illegal means. Katz believes there is no reasonable explanation for the two individuals driving a box truck in a sensitive area other than for a sinister purpose.

Quantico, a Marine Corps base with training facilities and labs for the FBI and DEA, could be potential terror targets, according to Katz. He questions why two illegal aliens from Jordan would be in possession of a box truck in such a sensitive area, suggesting that it was likely a dry run for a future terror incident. The incident at Quantico has raised concerns about national security and the need for heightened vigilance in protecting sensitive facilities from potential threats.

In response to the incident, ICE and the FBI have not publicly commented on the situation. The Biden administration’s Border Chief Alejandro Mayorkas has faced scrutiny over the attempted breach at Quantico. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also raised concerns about the suspicious nature of the incident, stating that “something doesn’t sound right” about it. This incident has highlighted the importance of security measures at military and government facilities to prevent potential security breaches and attacks from individuals with malicious intent.

Overall, the incident at Marine Corps Base Quantico involving two Jordanian nationals in a box truck has raised questions about national security and the potential threat of terrorism. The former federal firearms instructor, Dave Katz, has expressed concerns that the incident may have been a dry run for a future terror attack, given the suspicious circumstances surrounding the individuals’ actions. The presence of unauthorized individuals in a sensitive area such as Quantico underscores the need for increased vigilance and security measures to protect against potential threats and ensure the safety of military and government personnel.

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