Some Republican legislators in Pennsylvania drew criticism for their disrespectful behavior towards two former police officers who helped protect the U.S. Capitol during the January 6 riot. Former U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and former Sgt. Aquilino Gonell were booed and faced walkouts when they visited the Pennsylvania House floor. House Speaker Joanna McClinton condemned the behavior, stating that it was unbecoming of the institution and lacked patriotism. Many Democrats applauded the officers, while some Republicans walked off the floor or turned their backs, displaying a lack of respect.

Despite the negative reaction from some Republican legislators, there were also members who showed support for the former officers. Harry Dunn expressed gratitude for being recognized and appreciated the Minority Leader for taking a photo with them. The officers had participated in an event at the Pennsylvania Capitol earlier in the day, organized by the campaign of President Joe Biden. Video footage showed several Republican members and staff applauding the officers, demonstrating a more positive response from some individuals within the party.

Following the officers’ appearance, there was a fundraising email sent out by the House Democratic Campaign Committee, citing the Republicans’ behavior as a reason to support their cause. Dunn and Gonell had expressed concerns about former President Donald Trump’s influence, labeling him as a threat to democracy. They recounted the violence and injuries they faced during the Capitol attack, emphasizing the danger posed by Trump’s rhetoric and actions. The officers highlighted the importance of defending elected officials regardless of political ideology.

The response from Republican legislators during the officers’ visit was met with criticism from Democrats and some members of the public. Representative Mike Schlossberg described the behavior as despicable and embarrassing, noting the contrast with the usual respect shown to law enforcement and military personnel. The incident highlighted the division and polarization within the political landscape, with tensions running high between different parties. Despite the challenges, there were also instances of unity and support, as evidenced by those who applauded the officers and expressed appreciation for their service.

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