The author shares their experiences of being shocked by European attitudes towards beach attire and a crackdown on tourists walking around in swimwear in towns and cities. The trend of European cities like Sorrento, Barcelona, and Dubrovnik introducing fines for those not wearing appropriate clothing off the beach is discussed. The author questions the need for such bans, suggesting that local officials are trying to shift blame from their poor governance onto tourists. They argue that the real issues in these cities are bigger than tourists walking in swimwear, such as high rental prices and globalization.

The author recounts their experience of being asked to leave a French supermarket for being barefoot but feeling comfortable walking shirtless off the beach in Spain. They argue that bans on beach attire and other behaviors seem to be a distraction from larger issues affecting these cities. The author points out that focusing on minor grievances like tourists dressing inappropriately should not be a priority for officials. They suggest that addressing the root causes of these problems would be more beneficial than targeting tourists.

The author questions whether the bans on swimwear and other behaviors are an attempt to capitalize on the negative sentiment towards tourists and shift blame from local officials. They argue that banning certain clothing items could lead to rebellion from tourists and that a bit of local disapproval is a more effective deterrent. The author encourages officials to address the real issues affecting residents, such as the impact of tourism on rental prices and local culture, rather than focusing on tourists’ attire.

In conclusion, the author expresses skepticism towards the bans on swimwear and other behaviors in European cities and suggests that officials are trying to deflect attention from larger issues. They argue that targeting tourists for minor grievances is not a solution and that addressing the root causes of these problems would be more effective. The author advocates for a more nuanced approach to dealing with tourist behavior and encourages local officials to focus on issues that truly affect residents rather than superficial rules.

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