Marion Maréchal, the head of the Reconquête! party, paused her European elections campaign on May 18, walking the traditionalist pilgrimage of Chartres for a “moment of introspection.” This spiritual and personal journey was not publicized, and Maréchal did not disclose any political conclusions drawn from her experience. At 34 years old, she is a prominent figure in French politics, known for her controversial statements on social media and her connection to the Reconquête! movement, which is aligned with the presidential ambitions of Eric Zemmour.

During her pilgrimage, Maréchal may have contemplated her future political actions, such as her recent controversial remarks on surrogacy on social media. She may have also considered her alliance with Eric Zemmour, as well as the absence of Marine Le Pen, who was attending an event in Madrid with the far-right party Vox at the same time. Despite initial announcements of her presence in Spain, both Maréchal and Zemmour opted to remain in France, with Maréchal citing the pilgrimage and preparation for a televised debate as reasons for her decision. Additionally, she chose not to appear alongside her aunt, Marine Le Pen, during the event in Madrid, allowing her to represent French anti-immigration sentiments alone.

Marion Maréchal shares the same anti-immigration stance and racialist rhetoric as other members of the zemmouristes historical group, who are loyal to Eric Zemmour and prioritize combating immigration and what they perceive as the “Islamization” of France. They advocate for policies such as “remigration” and express racist and conspiratorial views about the so-called “great replacement” theory. Additionally, Maréchal is free to express conservative and economically liberal views within the Reconquête! party, which were not as accepted within the National Front (FN) when she left in 2017.

Despite her past associations and controversial statements, Marion Maréchal continues to navigate the political landscape with boldness and determination. Her presence within the Reconquête! party indicates a strategic alignment with the far-right movement in France, particularly in terms of immigration and cultural identity. As she moves forward with her campaign for the European elections, her actions and rhetoric will likely continue to stir debate and controversy both within France and on the international stage. Through her alliance with Eric Zemmour and her commitment to a conservative agenda, Maréchal remains a divisive figure in French politics, provoking both support and criticism.

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