Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen gave a speech in Perpignan on May 1, 2024, as the National Rally (RN) held its meeting ahead of the European elections. They warned supporters against abstention and splitting votes forty days before the election. Bardella urged voters not to disperse their votes on patriotic lists that cannot win, stating that abstaining would essentially be a vote for Emmanuel Macron. Le Pen emphasized the importance of participation, calling it a duty for all French patriots when the country’s destiny is at stake.

Both politicians targeted voters considering Marion Maréchal’s candidacy with Bardella stressing that there is no time for France to watch its patriotic votes scatter, calling on them to choose those who can take action instead. He also reached out to right-wing voters who feel disconnected and are attached to values like work, merit, authority, and a certain idea of France. Bardella framed the European elections as a vote that will determine the fate of France and the future of its children, depicting it as a referendum for or against the country’s decline and disappearance.

Bardella attempted to elevate the significance of the European elections by characterizing them as a choice between Macron’s Europe, with punitive ecology, imposed immigration, and nuclear weapon sharing, and an alternative Europe of nations focusing on realities, people, concrete policies, identities, borders, and European preference. Le Pen called on voters to counter, sanction, and dismiss the current government through the most resounding electoral punishment possible, highlighting the importance of the choice between these two visions for Europe.

Bardella’s promises included measures aimed at regaining control of national and European borders, reindustrializing, prioritizing local interests, and protecting businesses from unfair competition. He criticized the EU for not utilizing its size to face economic warfare effectively, advocating for national priority and European preference in public procurement. Bardella pledged to intercept and return every boat approaching French territory back to its origin, receiving applause from RN supporters.

The politicians continued to champion the idea of an “Europe of nations” against the current European Union, seen by Le Pen as a disconnected and authoritarian entity that stifles criticism. She criticized Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, and Macron’s willingness to consider a European defense strategy including nuclear weapons. Bardella opposed the idea, arguing that agreeing to a European defense would deprive France of essential sovereignty. The speech aimed to reiterate their commitment to an alternative vision for Europe and France.

As the European elections approached on June 9, Bardella and Le Pen reinforced their message of safeguarding national sovereignty and promoting European cooperation based on realistic and concrete measures. They positioned themselves as critics of the current EU, calling for a new approach that prioritizes national interests, borders, and identity. The discussion highlighted the contrasting visions of Macron’s Europe and a vision supported by the RN that stresses the value of national sovereignty and preference. The speech aimed to mobilize supporters and galvanize them to vote in the upcoming elections.

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