Jordan Bardella, the president of the Rassemblement national (RN), has been making headlines for his mimicry of Emmanuel Macron during recent televised debates. Some are questioning whether Bardella is already thinking about a future presidential run, or if he is simply following in Macron’s footsteps to improve his TV performance. During a recent debate with Valérie Hayer, Bardella re-used several lines originally spoken by Macron in a past debate with Marine Le Pen. This surprising mimicry caught the attention of the RN and led to comparisons with Macron’s supposed arrogance and disdain for the “people”.

Following the debate with Hayer, Bardella admitted to feeling at times “borderline mean” and his close associates warned him about the risks of appearing too arrogant. It is interesting to note that the party that criticizes Macron and his team for their arrogance is now facing similar criticisms itself. Despite these warnings, Bardella continued with his aggressive stance during the first debate among the eight main candidates, quoting a parody spy character from a film and using it against his opponent. This display of arrogance has raised concerns among some RN leaders.

Officially, the RN is now adopting a stance of humility in response to the criticism. Bardella’s team has prepared for potential attacks from Gabriel Attal, focusing on issues such as anti-Semitism, alleged incompetence in the European Parliament, and defense of authoritarian leaders by certain party members. Bardella is ready to counter these accusations by highlighting the negative impacts of Macron’s European policies. The RN sees the upcoming debate as an opportunity to showcase their strategy of presenting Bardella as a potential prime minister alongside Marine Le Pen as a presidential candidate.

The RN’s approach to the debates reflects their broader political strategy, which has been in place since January. The party views the debates as a success in themselves, positioning Bardella as a strong contender for the role of prime minister in a future government led by Le Pen. The dynamics between Bardella and Le Pen, as well as their responses to critiques from their opponents, reflect the RN’s continued efforts to present themselves as a credible alternative to the current government. The upcoming debates will be crucial in shaping public perceptions and influencing voter decisions in the upcoming elections.

Overall, Bardella’s recent performances in televised debates have sparked discussions about his leadership style, his mimicry of Macron, and the RN’s political strategy. The party’s efforts to position Bardella as a potential future prime minister alongside Le Pen as a presidential candidate indicate a long-term plan for transitioning to power. The upcoming debates will be a key opportunity for Bardella to showcase his abilities, respond to criticisms, and present himself as a strong leader for the future. The RN’s strategy of humility, preparation for attacks, and focus on engaging with voters will be crucial in shaping the outcome of the elections.

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