François-Xavier Bellamy, candidate for Les Républicains (LR) for the European elections, launched his campaign at the Docks de Paris in Aubervilliers on March 23, 2024. Bellamy compares the election to a cycling race, emphasizing the importance of the final sprint. In the previous election in 2019, he had a promising start but ultimately fell short with a vote share of 8.48%. This time around, his main focus is to ensure that LR secures at least 5% of the vote to avoid losing representation in the European Parliament.

Since January, the 38-year-old MEP has been traveling across the country, engaging in various themed visits and events. At each stop, he takes photos with local figures and receives compliments on his intellectual abilities. His friend Hervé Morin praised him in Caen, highlighting Bellamy as a candidate who elevates the discourse. Bellamy has also been critical of the Macron administration’s media tactics, accusing them of dominating the media landscape. He recently came to the defense of Valérie Hayer, Macron’s lead candidate, when Gabriel Attal unexpectedly endorsed her on national radio.

Bellamy’s critique of the political landscape has been well-received, with one of his recent speeches going viral on social media. He criticized the handling of a debate between the Prime Minister and the candidate from the far-right party, which he saw as a staged event. Despite his reservations about political theatrics, Bellamy has realized the importance of making a splash in order to capture attention and connect with voters. He has strengthened his campaign tactics, adapting to the demands of the election season and embracing a more dynamic approach to engage with the electorate.

As a philosopher by training, Bellamy faces a paradox in his campaign strategy. While he condemns the spectacle of modern politics, he recognizes the need to stand out and make an impact. In a recent speech at Sciences Po, he confronted student demonstrators and a left-wing politician to assert his position. With polling data showing him at 7% in voter intentions, Bellamy has adjusted his approach to become more visible in the public eye, understanding that he must first establish a presence before trying to persuade the electorate.

Despite the challenges of the campaign, Bellamy remains focused on the task at hand. With the European election looming, he is determined to secure a strong showing for LR and ensure their continued representation in the European Parliament. As he navigates the complexities of modern political communication and engagement, Bellamy is committed to delivering his message and connecting with voters across the country. With the support of his party and supporters, he is ready to face the final stretch of the campaign and make a compelling case for his candidacy in the upcoming election.

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