Bernard Guetta, a member of the European Parliament from the Renew group, was seen in Calais on May 18, 2024, distributing leaflets near a market. Despite his efforts to engage with passersby and encourage them to read the pamphlet he was offering, one man refused, stating, “Not even in my dreams!” This activity marked a departure for Guetta, who had not engaged in such campaign activities since his high school years in the late 1960s when he was involved in political activism against the Vietnam War with the Revolutionary Communist Youth.

During his interactions with the public in Calais, Guetta encountered criticism for his record as a European Parliament member, particularly in relation to his handling of issues affecting migrants in the area. One woman, a volunteer with the Catholic Relief Services, pointed out the high number of migrant deaths in the region and blamed Guetta for his perceived shortcomings in addressing these challenges. Another individual recognized Guetta from his long-running stint as a geo-political commentator on France Inter radio, expressing disappointment that he appeared to align with right-wing politics, citing his support for President Emmanuel Macron.

Guetta’s campaign efforts were further complicated by encounters with individuals who felt disillusioned with Macron and the current political landscape. In one exchange, a woman accused Guetta of being complicit in Macron’s right-wing policies and criticized him for failing to uphold the progressive values that many had hoped would be emblematic of the Macron presidency. Guetta’s attempts to defend his position and present his platform were met with frustration and anger from some constituents, highlighting the challenges of navigating the complex political dynamics at play in the current French landscape.

Despite facing resistance and criticism during his campaign activities, Guetta remained steadfast in his commitment to advocating for the policies and values of the Renew group. Accompanied by local officials and supporters, Guetta participated in a public meeting at a municipal hall in Calais, where he engaged in discussions about his vision for the future of Europe and his role within the Renew group. The presence of supportive colleagues and allies provided Guetta with a sense of solidarity and determination to continue his campaign efforts, despite the obstacles he faced along the way.

One prominent figure from Guetta’s political circle, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, had recently distanced himself from the Macron administration, opting instead to support a more explicitly ecological and socialist perspective represented by Raphaël Glucksmann. This shift within Guetta’s inner circle illustrated the growing discontent and divergence within the political landscape, as individuals grappled with questions of ideology, strategy, and alignment in the face of ongoing political challenges and shifting priorities.

Guetta’s experiences in Calais highlighted the complex and nuanced nature of political engagement in contemporary France, where competing interests, ideologies, and personal convictions clashed in the public sphere. Despite encountering resistance and criticism, Guetta remained committed to his beliefs and values, seeking to navigate the political landscape with resilience and determination. As the European parliamentary elections approached, Guetta’s campaign activities in Calais underscored the importance of dialogue, engagement, and advocacy in shaping the future of European politics.

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