On the evening of June 9, 2024, at the headquarters of the Les Républicains party in Paris, an alarm sounded, causing a moment of panic among young party members gathered for an election night event. This occurred as President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly on live television. Despite the chaos, members of the conservative party raised their glasses in a toast to their survival after receiving 7.2% of the vote in the European elections led by François-Xavier Bellamy. The party saw this result as a victory, as it allowed them to maintain a presence in the European Parliament.

François-Xavier Bellamy, the candidate for Les Républicains, reflected on the election results and saw them as the beginning of a longer journey towards rebuilding the right-wing party. Despite not achieving the same level of success as in 2019, when they received 8.48% of the vote, Bellamy remained optimistic about the party’s future. The campaign director, Othman Nasrou, emphasized the significance of surpassing the 5% threshold and avoiding a potential defeat to their rival party, Reconquête. The party faced the challenge of forming coalitions and alliances in the upcoming legislative elections while maintaining their principles and opposition to the current government.

As the party faced the reality of preparing for the legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7, concerns arose among party leaders about their strategy and approach. Despite some younger members expressing a desire to take to the streets and campaign vigorously, leaders like Eric Ciotti were more cautious. Ciotti emphasized the party’s stance of opposition to the current government and rejected any suggestions of forming alliances or coalitions with the ruling party. François-Xavier Bellamy echoed this sentiment by stating they had no intention of compromising their values or merging with other political factions.

The Les Républicains party found themselves in a delicate position following the European elections, balancing the need to rebuild and strengthen their platform while also maintaining a principled opposition to the government. The party’s modest success in the elections provided a glimmer of hope for the future, but also highlighted the challenges ahead as they navigated the complex political landscape. With a focus on maintaining their identity and values, party leaders like Bellamy remained steadfast in their commitment to charting a course for the party’s revival despite the uncertainties and obstacles they faced.

The aftermath of the European elections for Les Républicains led to introspection and strategic planning as they prepared for the upcoming legislative elections. The party grappled with the need to mobilize their base, appeal to voters, and form alliances that aligned with their core principles and beliefs. Leaders like François-Xavier Bellamy and Eric Ciotti took a firm stance against compromising their values and remained committed to rebuilding the party’s influence and relevance in French politics. As they embarked on this challenging journey, the party sought to navigate the political landscape with resilience and determination, striving to emerge stronger and more united in the face of adversity.

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