Emmanuel Macron, the French President, is concerned about the upcoming European elections as polls show a significant lead for the Rassemblement national (RN) party led by Jordan Bardella over his own party’s candidate, Valérie Hayer. In an effort to combat the potential defeat, Macron instructs his Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, to engage in a debate with Bardella. Macron believes that Bardella, a 28-year-old candidate from the far-right, needs to be challenged and exposed for his lack of substance beyond selfies and shallow rhetoric. The decision to involve the government in the election campaign marks a strategic shift from earlier plans to distance the executive from potential failure.

Gabriel Attal, the Prime Minister, who initially expressed hesitation about dedicating too much time to the campaign, is now eager to confront the frontrunner, Jordan Bardella. Despite his previous reluctance to prioritize campaign efforts, Attal is now fully committed to the challenge at hand. The decision to engage in the debate is seen as a crucial move given the declining support for Macron’s party in the polls. The shift in strategy reflects a sense of urgency towards salvaging the election prospects and rallying all available resources to compete effectively.

Emmanuel Macron emphasizes the collective responsibility of his government in facing the electoral challenge, assuring ministers that any potential failure will be shared. As the campaign intensifies, Macron urges ministers to actively engage in public events and campaign activities to demonstrate their commitment to the cause. The upcoming period is described as the “money time”, the critical phase where the fate of the election will be determined. Macron himself is expected to ramp up his involvement in the campaign, adopting the dual role of both president and campaigner in line with historical theories of royal representation.

The decision to engage in a televised debate with Bardella reflects Macron’s determination to counter the rising popularity of the far-right party in the lead up to the European elections. The gap in the polls has prompted a strategic reevaluation within Macron’s camp, leading to a more proactive approach in campaigning. Attal’s willingness to step up to the challenge highlights the sense of urgency and commitment felt by the government to address the electoral threat posed by the RN party. The upcoming debate is seen as a crucial opportunity to confront the political adversary and sway public opinion in their favor.

Despite initial reservations about the level of involvement in the campaign, Gabriel Attal’s readiness to engage in a debate with Bardella demonstrates a shift in strategy within Macron’s camp to actively confront the electoral challenge posed by the RN party. Macron’s emphasis on collective responsibility and the need for a united front in the face of potential defeat underscores the gravity of the situation for his party. As the campaign intensifies, the government is mobilizing its resources to compete effectively in the lead up to the European elections. The strategic shift in approach reflects a renewed sense of urgency and determination within Macron’s camp to address the electoral threat and secure a better outcome in the upcoming elections.

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