During a debate between the eight main candidates for the European elections, tensions ran high as attacks were exchanged. Raphaël Glucksmann of the PS-Place Publique party responded to Manon Aubry of LFI by telling her to focus on the far-right instead of bothering him, as the debate was dominated by clashes between the candidates. One of the main targets of criticism was Jordan Bardella, candidate for the far-right Rassemblement National party.

The debate, which lasted over three hours on BFM-TV/RMC, featured intense exchanges and disagreements among the candidates. Glucksmann’s frustration with Aubry’s focus on him instead of the far-right was evident, highlighting the divisive nature of the discussion. The candidates took the opportunity to present their visions for Europe and their respective parties’ platforms, but the atmosphere was tense and filled with confrontation.

Throughout the debate, candidates clashed over a variety of issues, including immigration, economic policy, and international relations. The candidates used the platform to criticize each other’s positions and highlight what they saw as weaknesses in their opponents’ arguments. The focus on the far-right and Bardella’s candidacy seemed to dominate the conversation, reflecting the broader political landscape in which right-wing parties are gaining traction in Europe.

As the debate unfolded, the candidates sought to differentiate themselves from their opponents and appeal to voters with their ideas and policy proposals. The intense nature of the discussions and the personal attacks between candidates added drama to the event, with each candidate trying to make their mark and sway undecided voters in the lead up to the elections. The debate offered a glimpse into the sharp divisions within European politics and the challenges facing the continent.

Overall, the debate highlighted the deep divides and disagreements among the candidates running for the European Parliament. While they all shared a desire to represent their constituents and promote their party’s agenda, the confrontational nature of the discussion underscored the challenges of finding common ground in a highly polarized political landscape. The focus on the far-right and the criticisms aimed at Bardella revealed the importance of addressing these issues in the upcoming elections and finding solutions to the pressing challenges facing Europe. Voters will ultimately decide which candidates and parties best represent their interests and values in the European Parliament.

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