A year ago, a group of students from the Larraona Claret school in Pamplona created an ethical code for the double election campaign that included ten commitments for both politicians and citizens. Six out of the eight mayoral candidates in Pamplona signed it (except Geroa Bai and Vox), as well as other political figures. However, a year later, the students feel disappointed as they have observed the signatories not following the commitments, especially when it comes to refraining from insults and attacks. The students feel betrayed by the politicians who signed the code and are now considering taking further action if they do not see improvement during the Easter holidays.

The students are determined to mediate between the main political leaders to promote harmony and collaboration. They have witnessed moments of high tension in the national and local political landscape, such as a motion of no confidence in Pamplona and verbal aggression in debates. They urge the citizens to apply the code’s guidelines to bring about a change in the way politics is conducted, believing that collective action can send a powerful message to politicians. They emphasize the importance of constructive criticism and debate, advocating for a more respectful and inclusive political discourse.

Reflecting on the current political climate, the students express concerns about the increasing polarization and partisanship in public discourse. They highlight the need for responsible communication and the dangers of escalating verbal violence into physical confrontation. The students urge politicians and citizens alike to engage in constructive dialogue and open-mindedness, urging them not to dismiss opposing viewpoints solely based on political affiliation. They perceive a growing disenchantment among the youth towards politics and call for greater civic engagement to counter apathy and misinformation.

The students address the challenge posed by sensationalist media coverage and the public’s role in demanding more balanced and informative reporting. They stress the importance of seeking information from diverse sources to form a well-rounded understanding of current events. In response to the lack of interest in politics among the younger generation, the students emphasize the need for critical thinking and informed citizenship to resist manipulation by those in power. They call for a collective effort to hold politicians accountable and demand transparency and ethical conduct in public office.

Looking towards national leaders, the students pose questions to President Sanchez and opposition leader Feijóo, addressing concerns about their commitment to ethical governance and leadership. They challenge the leaders to reflect on the example they set for young people and the impact of their actions on future generations. Despite not all politicians signing the ethical code, the students assert that adherence to basic principles of honesty, respect, and collaboration is essential for restoring trust in political institutions. They call on political leaders to uphold these values and set a positive example for the youth and the public.

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