The escape ramps built in 2012 by the Highways 5th Regional Directorate at the Pozantı location of the highway that connects Southeast and Eastern Mediterranean to Central Anatolia over the Taurus Mountains have become a “life-saving” application. These escape ramps have prevented 146 accidents in the span of 12 years.

The steep highway, which has an 11% incline upwards, has been a cause of concern for heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses due to brake failure or tire blowouts. Thanks to the escape ramps situated towards the city of Niğde, drivers have been able to avoid accidents when losing control of their vehicles.

These ramps are 200 meters long, 6 meters wide, and covered with 60 centimeters of grooves to help slow down vehicles. In addition to the Pozantı ramps, there are also 2 escape ramps located in Tarsus district at the Damlama location towards Mersin, which have played a crucial role in accident prevention.

Security cameras have captured footage of heavy vehicles losing control and entering the escape ramps. The videos show vehicles with brake failures descending the steep slope and managing to come to a stop when entering the ramps. These incidents occur both day and night, illustrating how the ramps have prevented potentially major accidents.

Truck driver İsmail Ayten emphasized the importance of the escape ramps, stating that they have saved lives in situations where brakes have failed. He mentioned the significance of the ramps for experienced and inexperienced drivers, especially when descending steep slopes. Inexperienced drivers may not be aware of how to navigate downhill properly, leading to brake overheating and failure.

Ayten highlighted how crucial it is for drivers to act swiftly and enter the escape ramps when facing such emergencies. Without the presence of these ramps, the chances of survival would be slim for drivers in such perilous situations. By utilizing the escape ramps effectively, drivers can significantly increase their chances of avoiding fatal accidents when experiencing brake failures or other emergencies on the road.

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