N.C. State alumnus and broadcaster Ernie Myers, who played for the Wolfpack from 1982-1986, understands the difficulty of making an NCAA Tournament run. He was part of the 1983 National Championship-winning team and played in multiple regional finals. Myers served as a graduate assistant during the 1987 ACC Championship run and has been calling N.C. State women’s basketball games for nearly two decades. Despite facing challenges, Myers always believed that the program could make a comeback.

The Wolfpack men and women have both earned a spot in the Elite Eight in the same season for the first time in history. Myers reflects on his time as a player, noting that the mentality was different back then when they were dominant. However, he acknowledges that the reality for N.C. State has changed and is proud to witness the current success of both teams. Wes Moore has led the women’s program to the Elite Eight for the second time in three seasons and has continued the winning tradition established by legendary coach Kay Yow.

Moore has solidified himself as one of the top coaches in the country, recruiting well and striking a balance between fun and focus within the program. Myers speaks highly of Moore’s ability to adapt for each team and player, and believes that Coach Yow would be proud of the program’s resurgence. On the men’s side, the Pack is defying odds with their current run, despite facing adversity during the regular season. The team’s performance feels reminiscent of the 1983 National Championship team, which also dealt with challenges on their way to victory.

Myers acknowledges that the men’s team doesn’t appreciate being labeled as a “Cinderella” team, as they come from a major conference. However, their current run is seen as impossible by many, especially after ending the regular season on a losing streak and facing key injuries. Despite this, the Wolfpack have shown resilience and determination, echoing the spirit of the iconic “Cardiac Pack” team. Both teams are on the verge of making history, and Myers is ecstatic at the possibility of witnessing more success for N.C. State.

Reflecting on the current success of both teams, Myers expresses his excitement at the prospect of N.C. State gaining respectability once again. He feels a sense of nostalgia and pride seeing the Wolfpack on the cusp of achieving something great. The success of both the men’s and women’s teams showcases the resilience and determination of the players and coaches. Myers believes that both programs are in a strong position to continue making history and elevate N.C. State back to national prominence.

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