An investigation has been opened for embezzlement of public funds targeting the president of the political party Les Républicains (LR), Eric Ciotti, and his collaborators. The investigation was initiated by AC!!, an anti-corruption association that was formed in 2022 by former members of Anticor. The investigation was prompted by a report from the Regional Audit Chamber (CRC) of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, which highlighted unauthorized or undeclared overlapping employment roles within the office of Charles-Ange Ginésy, president of the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council.

The investigation, conducted by the police department of the department, focuses on the illegal cumulation of roles by four cabinet members and two community employees who were simultaneously working part-time for the council department and as parliamentary collaborators for Eric Ciotti. This cumulation of roles is allowed only under certain circumstances and requires administrative approval, which had not been obtained in this case. The revelations from the CRC report and AC!!’s complaint to the national financial prosecutor’s office led to the opening of the investigation against Ciotti and his associates.

Despite relinquishing the presidency of the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council in 2017 due to legislative restrictions on holding multiple mandates, Eric Ciotti maintained a significant level of control over the council’s operations. By becoming the president of the finance commission of the department and retaining positions as an administrator on various local boards and councils, Ciotti ensured his continued influence. Additionally, through appointing trusted allies like Gregory Delafosse as the director of Charles-Ange Ginésy’s cabinet, Ciotti effectively maintained control over key decision-making processes within the council.

The close ties between Ciotti and his collaborators within the departmental council raise questions regarding conflicts of interest and potential misuse of public resources. The system put in place by Ciotti to retain control over the administration, despite formally stepping down from the presidency, underscores the intricate web of relationships that enable political figures to exert influence and serve their own interests. The investigation into the alleged embezzlement of public funds highlights the challenges in ensuring transparency and accountability within political structures.

The ongoing investigation into Eric Ciotti and his associates underscores the importance of oversight and accountability in the realm of public administration. The impact of corruption on the functioning of democratic institutions and the allocation of public resources cannot be understated. As AC!! continues its efforts to combat corruption and hold public officials accountable, the outcomes of this case will serve as a test of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures in France. The findings of the investigation will shed light on the extent of misconduct and misuse of public funds within the political sphere.

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