Ali Erbaş, the President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Turkey, attended an iftar program organized for retired personnel of the Presidency of Religious Affairs. Speaking about the oppression in Gaza, Erbaş emphasized the importance of drawing the world’s attention to the massacre and making every possible effort to stop it.

Erbaş stated, “Gaza is burning, Palestine is burning, there are oppressed, victimized, and needy people in various parts of the world, we need to pray for them, and do everything we can with our hands and our tongues.” He also mentioned that they are making every effort to attract the world’s attention and stop the oppression, genocide, and massacre from the very beginning.

Additionally, Erbaş announced that during the upcoming Ramadan Eid, they will organize a program called “Let’s Meet for Eid Prayer as a Family” in all mosques. He informed that they have sent a letter to the muftis regarding this program. Erbaş concluded his speech by saying, “This Ramadan Eid, let’s meet for the Eid prayer as a family, and let’s pray for both our families and the oppressed.”

The participation of Ali Erbaş in the iftar program for the retired personnel of the Presidency of Religious Affairs highlighted the organization’s commitment to supporting its employees even after retirement. Erbaş’s remarks about the situation in Gaza emphasized the urgency of the humanitarian crisis and the need for global intervention to stop the violence and suffering of the innocent people there.

The announcement of the “Let’s Meet for Eid Prayer as a Family” program for all mosques during the Ramadan Eid reflects the efforts of the Presidency of Religious Affairs to foster unity, compassion, and prayers for the marginalized communities. By promoting family gatherings and collective prayers, the organization aims to create a sense of solidarity and empathy among the Muslim community during the holy festival.

Overall, Ali Erbaş’s participation in the iftar program, his statements about the Gaza crisis, and the upcoming “Ailece Bayram Namazında Buluşalım” program demonstrate the Presidency of Religious Affairs’ continuous dedication to serving the community, promoting peace, and advocating for the rights of oppressed individuals both locally and globally. Through such initiatives, the organization strives to uphold the values of compassion, justice, and solidarity in the practice of Islam.

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