The Istanbul Governorate has announced that with the coming of the summer season, there has been a significant increase in vehicle and human activity in forested areas. In order to prevent the forest fires that occur every summer and cause serious damage to Istanbul’s forests, a series of measures have been taken.

As a part of these measures, entry into forested areas outside the specified areas has been prohibited from June 10 to October 15. However, within the boundaries of Istanbul, picnicking, sports, walking, and other activities will be allowed in picnic and recreational areas, nature parks, groves, parks, and eco-tourism areas.

Barbecuing, using gas stoves, smoking shisha, and any kind of fire-making activities are prohibited in forested areas outside of the specified locations. Additionally, burning of stubble, field cleaning, and similar activities are also prohibited in villages and neighborhoods covered by Articles 31 and 32 of the Forest Law, as well as in areas within or near forests.

Facilities and industrial establishments near forest areas will be required to take all necessary precautions before carrying out activities that may impact the forest. Organizations responsible for the construction and maintenance of energy transmission lines will be required to conduct necessary maintenance in sections passing through forested areas and take all precautions against the risk of fire, including implementing power outages when necessary.

All municipalities will establish protection zones around garbage collection sites located within or near forests and have necessary equipment ready to combat fire risks. Individuals who wish to feed stray animals in prohibited areas must inform local security units and Forest Directorate Offices of when and where they will be feeding the animals in order to obtain permission. These individuals will not be exempt from the prohibition of picnicking and making fires in the prohibited area.

Monitoring and inspection teams composed of general law enforcement and forestry officers, coordinated by district governorships and the Regional Directorate of Forestry, will effectively oversee and control compliance with the regulations. In cases of necessity, effective intervention against fires will be ensured by utilizing all public and private sector resources under the orders of district governorships. Administrative and legal action will be taken against individuals who act in violation of the decisions and measures.

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