In August 2023, Miguel Anxo Bastos, a professor at the University of Santiago and a voice of reference for anarcho-capitalism in Spain, expressed his admiration for Javier Milei, an Argentine agitator who is gaining popularity by proclaiming that “taxes are a theft.” Milei has transitioned from being a candidate to potentially becoming president, sparking optimism among his followers that anti-state ideologies may no longer be marginalized. Groups within the ultraliberal sphere are capitalizing on Milei’s ability to make economic debates mainstream, as he sees economics as a “cultural battle.” His visit to Spain and reception of the annual award from the Juan de Mariana Institute, an ultraliberal think tank, has further fueled the advancement of these ideologies in the country.

The Foundation Civismo, which advocates for a “limited state,” is led by Albert Guivernau and supports Milei’s initial measures. Guivernau believes that Milei’s presence has greatly aided in promoting the foundation’s liberal agenda, pushing people to step out of the social democracy economic norms. Despite the progress made, Guivernau opines that there is still much to be done to shift the discourse in Spain towards focusing on eradicating poverty rather than demonizing the rich. Many of Milei’s supporters are aligned with the president of the Madrid Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and they view Madrid as a beacon of liberalism in Spain.

The shift towards previously unthinkable debates is becoming evident in Argentina as well, where José Natanson observes a growing acceptance of Milei’s ideologies amidst societal despair over endemic crises and inflation. Milei has successfully shifted the economic debate towards an anti-state rhetoric, which has resonated with a fractured society. The effectiveness of Milei’s anti-state crusade is becoming apparent, as he rallies against the perceived evils of Peronism and the State. This ideological shift has even influenced countries like Uruguay, where economist Germán Deagosto noticed a spike in interest in anarcho-capitalism among his students following Milei’s rise to prominence.

Deagosto’s experience highlights the impact and fanbase that Milei has acquired, with students echoing his rhetoric about the State being a “criminal” and bureaucrats being “parasites.” Milei’s discursive influence has not only introduced previously inconceivable ideas, such as limiting the State to basic functions like security and defense, but has also shifted the economic discourse towards libertarian ideologies. His ability to engage and captivate audiences has led to a surge in interest in anarcho-capitalist ideas and a reevaluation of the role of the State in society. This transformation in economic discourse has prompted Deagosto to explore the evolving landscape of economic thought in his book, “Lions and Lambs: A Personal History of Economic Thought.” The title reflects Milei’s vision of economic freedom, akin to a lion devouring a lamb.

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