Eneko Andueza, a 44-year-old politician from Eibar, Gipuzkoa, is trying to make his mark in a highly focused campaign in the Basque Country, dominated by the rivalry between the PNV and EH Bildu for electoral victory. As the leader of the Basque socialists, he promises “stability” and a “management focused on people’s issues”. In an interview from his office at the PSE-EE headquarters in Bilbao, he states that decisions regarding post-electoral alliances will be made locally, and not in Madrid. He emphasizes that the future of the Basque Country will be decided there, and nowhere else.

Andueza explains that with their vote on April 21st, Basque citizens will be choosing the future of their welfare state, rights, freedoms, healthcare, education, security, housing, employment, and care model. He believes that it was necessary for a new generation of leaders to take over in Basque politics, and that his approach is more in tune with the current times and the needs of the country, focusing on ambitious and transformative solutions.

The PSE-EE leader emphasizes the importance of the party’s values of stability, management, and respect for diversity, contrasting them with the nationalist agenda of the PNV and EH Bildu. He stresses that the PSE is the guarantee that the Basque Country will not embark on any separatist adventures, positioning themselves as the alternative offering progress and pluralism. Despite the focus on polarization by other parties, Andueza is confident in the support for the Socialists and their vision for the future of the Basque Country.

Andueza warns about the risks of a strengthened sovereignty movement in the Basque Parliament, highlighting the potential collaboration between the PNV and EH Bildu towards independence. He criticizes past instances where the PNV allowed EH Bildu to govern, leading to what he describes as a disaster for Gipuzkoa, which the socialists had to resolve in the following term. He insists that the PSE will not entertain any agreements with EH Bildu unless they meet specific conditions, such as condemning terrorism and embracing a different model of governance.

The PSE-EE candidate outlines proposals for improving the Basque healthcare system, including hiring 2,000 more healthcare professionals, reducing waiting times for non-urgent surgeries, and enhancing mental health services. He also addresses the issue of housing, highlighting the party’s track record in providing affordable housing and their plans to build even more in the future. Andueza underlines the importance of focusing on socio-economic issues that matter to the people, rather than identity politics, as the key to addressing the concerns of Basque citizens.

Finally, Andueza asserts that the decisions about future alliances and governance in the Basque Country will be made in the PSE-EE headquarters, reiterating his commitment to consensus within the party. He advocates for the opening of discussions on reforming the Basque Statute, which has not been updated in 44 years, in order to safeguard social rights and ensure a pluralistic and peaceful Basque Country. Overall, Andueza’s campaign focuses on offering a pragmatic and progressive alternative to the dominant nationalist forces in the Basque political landscape.

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