In his new book, Bruno Vespa discusses the definitive break between the leader of the Five Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, and the movement’s founder and ideologue, Beppe Grillo. Despite this rift, Grillo’s consultancy contract, worth €300,000 a year, is still in effect and there have been no communications regarding its status. The M5s constituent assembly is set to take place on November 23rd and 24th. This assembly marks the final step of the process announced by Conte in June, aimed at reshaping the movement through the involvement of both members and non-members.

Conte’s decision to distance himself from Grillo signifies a significant turning point in the history of the Five Star Movement. The consultancy contract with the former comedian, however, remains active, raising questions about the true nature of the split between the two figures. The upcoming constituent assembly will play a crucial role in defining the future direction of the M5s, as Conte seeks to rebuild and revitalize the movement.

The assembly on November 23rd and 24th will bring together members and supporters to discuss the future direction of the Five Star Movement under Conte’s leadership. This marks the culmination of a process that began in June, with the aim of restructuring and reforming the party. The ongoing consultancy contract with Grillo, despite the apparent break between him and Conte, adds a layer of complexity to the situation.

Conte’s efforts to distance himself from Grillo and redefine the M5s reflect his determination to shape the movement according to his own vision. The upcoming constituent assembly will serve as a platform for members and supporters to voice their opinions and contribute to the reshaping of the party. Despite the ongoing consultancy contract with Grillo, Conte’s leadership and commitment to reform are evident in his actions and decisions.

The M5s constituent assembly will feature discussions and debates on a wide range of topics, including the party’s values, goals, and organizational structure. Members and non-members alike will have the opportunity to participate in shaping the future direction of the movement. While the consultancy contract with Grillo remains in effect, the assembly represents a key moment in Conte’s efforts to redefine the M5s and position it for future success.

In conclusion, the upcoming constituent assembly of the Five Star Movement will be a pivotal moment in the party’s history, as members and supporters come together to discuss and decide on its future direction. Conte’s decision to break with Grillo and his ongoing efforts to reshape the M5s demonstrate his commitment to rebuilding the party and ensuring its continued relevance in Italian politics. Despite the complexities surrounding the consultancy contract with Grillo, Conte’s leadership and vision for the movement are set to play a central role in the upcoming assembly and in shaping the M5s moving forward.

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