The war in Gaza has taken a heavy toll on the children living there, with many becoming orphans or amputees. One young girl, 8-year-old Sama, has experienced extreme stress during the conflict, causing her to lose almost all of her hair. Despite still having both her parents and all her limbs, Sama’s mental health has deteriorated significantly due to the constant fear and trauma she has experienced. She now spends her days playing with a doll, trying to braid its hair, while longing for her own.

Sama’s mother, Olfat Tabeel, recounts a night when they were woken up by shelling and forced to flee to a hospital, only to be bombed again. Since then, Sama’s hair has fallen out all at once, leading doctors to believe it may be a result of extreme stress and fear. However, the necessary treatments and tests are unavailable in Gaza due to the ongoing conflict and blockade. Sama’s mother describes how her daughter used to love her hair and spend hours in front of the mirror, but now she is terrified and often wakes up screaming.

The impact of the war on children in Gaza has been devastating, with many experiencing mental health issues such as loss of appetite, bedwetting, and social withdrawal. Save the Children’s report highlights the long-lasting effects of violence, displacement, and disease on the mental well-being of children in the region. Despite the already dire situation caused by the blockade, the war has only worsened the mental health crisis among Gaza’s children, with more than half reporting suicidal thoughts.

As the war in Gaza continues, the death toll, including thousands of children, continues to rise. Sama’s mother describes her daughter as psychologically broken, with little hope for safety or stability in the near future. The ongoing shelling and violence have left Sama terrified and fearful for the safety of her family. She dreams of returning to their home in northern Gaza one day and hopes that her hair will grow back in time for her ninth birthday in October.

Sama’s story is a heartbreaking example of the lasting impact of war and conflict on the most vulnerable members of society. The trauma and fear experienced by children in Gaza have led to severe psychological damage, with many struggling to cope with the ongoing violence and uncertainty. It is essential for humanitarian organizations and mental health professionals to provide support and resources for children like Sama who have survived the horrors of war and are now facing the long road to recovery. For those in crisis, there are resources available such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and

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