President Emmanuel Macron addressed children, parents, and teachers in Ganges, in southern France on April 20, 2023. In a video released by Elle magazine on May 7, Macron suggests opening a debate on the introduction of a possible “visitation duty” for fathers in single-parent families, a responsibility that is currently primarily borne by women. He emphasizes the importance of discussing issues of parenting and gender equality, proposing the establishment of a duty for fathers to visit and support their children until adulthood. Macron also gave an interview to the women’s weekly magazine that will be published on Wednesday.

Macron expresses the belief that when a father is present, he should fulfill all his responsibilities and that the mother, in such situations, should be able to demand regular visits. He stresses the importance of fathers participating in activities such as parent-teacher meetings and being actively involved in the child’s education. Macron asserts that parental duties do not end with divorce or separation and that both parents should continue to exercise their responsibilities together, as it is beneficial for the child’s emotional and educational development to have a relationship with both parents.

The President’s initiative aligns with a proposal by Thibault Bazin, a Member of Parliament from Meurthe-et-Moselle, who has introduced a bill aiming to transform the “right to visitation and accommodation” into a “duty of visitation and accommodation of the child” for the non-residential parent. The proposed legislation includes provisions for imprisonment for up to one year and fines of up to 15,000 euros for failure to comply with the duty of visitation. This legislative initiative reflects the growing recognition of the importance of ensuring the ongoing involvement of both parents in the lives of their children, beyond specific circumstances like divorce or separation.

The discussion around the proposed “visitation duty” for fathers reflects broader societal conversations about gender roles, parenting responsibilities, and the impact on children’s well-being. Macron’s call for a debate on this issue underscores the need to address challenges faced by single-parent families and to encourage greater parental involvement from both mothers and fathers. By emphasizing the importance of fathers being actively engaged in their children’s lives, Macron aims to promote a more equitable and supportive family environment that benefits the emotional and educational growth of children.

Overall, President Macron’s proposal to introduce a “visitation duty” for fathers in single-parent families has sparked important discussions about parenting, gender equality, and the role of fathers in children’s lives. By calling for a debate on this issue and supporting legislative measures to ensure fathers’ ongoing involvement in their children’s upbringing, Macron seeks to address societal challenges and promote a more balanced and supportive family dynamic. This initiative reflects a broader recognition of the importance of shared parental responsibilities and aims to create a more inclusive and nurturing environment for children growing up in diverse family structures.

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