The New Caledonian government has strongly denounced the “intolerable” inflation in stores throughout the region. Many businesses have taken advantage of the security crisis in New Caledonia to apply excessive prices, including on regulated products, which the government described as “unacceptable and intolerable.” In response, the government plans to implement “control measures” to address this issue. The government emphasized the importance of solidarity and collective responsibility, particularly in the face of concerns of food and medicine shortages amid the ongoing violence in the archipelago.

French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the urgent need to restore normal healthcare services, supply chains, and food access during his visit to New Caledonia. He expressed empathy for those suffering in the crisis, whether due to illness or difficulties in accessing food. Macron’s visit underscored the severity of the situation and the need for immediate action to alleviate the hardships faced by many residents. The government pledged to take strict control measures to protect consumers from price gouging and ensure fair and reasonable pricing practices by businesses.

The government of New Caledonia is determined to safeguard the purchasing power of its residents by implementing price control measures. While specific details and timelines were not provided, the government emphasized the importance of fair and controlled pricing practices by businesses. This commitment reflects the government’s stance on protecting consumers from any form of abuse in the marketplace, particularly during challenging times marked by insecurity and violence. The government’s actions aim to ensure that residents have access to essential goods and services without facing exorbitant pricing.

The New Caledonian government’s condemnation of the inflation in stores was prompted by the observation that some businesses have exploited the current circumstances to significantly raise prices on regulated products, which is illegal. The government cited the necessity of upholding solidarity and collective responsibility, underscoring the need for fair and reasonable pricing practices. Amidst fears of food and medicine shortages in the wake of escalating violence, the government’s commitment to protecting consumers and maintaining affordable prices underscores its dedication to addressing the socio-economic challenges facing New Caledonia.

The government’s decision to impose strict control measures on pricing in response to the inflation issue signals a proactive approach to addressing economic challenges in New Caledonia. By emphasizing the importance of fair and controlled pricing practices, the government seeks to protect consumers from exploitation and ensure equitable access to essential goods and services. These measures align with the government’s broader goal of preserving the purchasing power of residents and promoting economic stability in the face of ongoing insecurity and violence. The government’s intervention underscores its commitment to fostering a fair and transparent marketplace for businesses and consumers alike in New Caledonia.

President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to New Caledonia further underscored the severity of the crisis and the urgent need for action to address food and medicine shortages. Macron’s statement on the importance of restoring normal healthcare services, supply chains, and food access highlighted the human impact of the crisis on residents. The government’s commitment to protecting consumers and ensuring fair pricing practices aligns with Macron’s call for immediate action to alleviate the hardships faced by those affected by the crisis. This coordinated effort between the national government and local authorities reflects a shared commitment to addressing the socio-economic challenges facing New Caledonia and safeguarding the well-being of its residents.

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