The loyalist lawmaker Nicolas Metzdorf from New Caledonia has called for the territory to be placed under guardianship due to the destruction caused by recent violent riots. He expressed his concerns during a live exchange on MacronardsFM, a web media known for its candid discussions about political issues. Metzdorf criticized the rioters for their racist behavior and urged President Macron not to withdraw his constitutional reform on voting rights. He believed that suspending the reform would be a political and moral defeat for the French Republic, as it would never be enough for the independence advocates.

Metzdorf described the dire situation in Noumea, where numerous businesses have been destroyed by the violence. He accused the French authorities of failing to anticipate the scale of the violence on May 13, which escalated into urban warfare. The lawmaker pointed to a failure of French intelligence and blamed foreign powers for fueling separatism in the region. He suggested that New Caledonia should be placed under guardianship for a period of two to three years to address the ongoing crisis, as the current situation is unsustainable.

The lawmaker also criticized Marine Le Pen’s call for a referendum on self-determination for the Kanak people in New Caledonia. Metzdorf found Le Pen’s proposition surprising, as she is usually seen as a defender of loyalists in the region. He expressed disappointment in Le Pen’s stance, as many locals feel betrayed by her suggestion. Metzdorf highlighted the emotional responses he has received from constituents who feel abandoned and draw parallels with the plight of the pieds-noirs in Algeria.

The situation in New Caledonia has raised concerns about the lack of preparation by the French government for the escalating violence. Metzdorf emphasized the need for better intelligence and resources to prevent future outbreaks of violence. He pointed out that forecasting events in a region as distant as New Caledonia requires significant investment, but France’s status as a medium power limits its capabilities in handling such crises. Metzdorf’s remarks reflect the frustration and desperation felt by loyalists in the face of ongoing violence and political uncertainty.

Overall, the situation in New Caledonia remains precarious, with calls for the territory to be placed under guardianship to address the ongoing violence and political instability. The loyalist lawmaker Nicolas Metzdorf’s concerns about the lack of preparation and support from the French government highlight the challenges faced by the region. The responses from constituents and criticisms of politicians like Marine Le Pen illustrate the deep divisions and complex dynamics at play in New Caledonia as it grapples with its future and relationship with France.

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