Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise (LFI), gave a speech in Paris on June 9, 2024, in response to the surprise announcement by President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly. Mélenchon expressed his support for the decision to dissolve the assembly and emphasized the need for unity on the left. He stated, “We are not afraid of the people” and called for a strong mobilization on June 30 and July 7 to combat the rise of the far-right in France.

Mélenchon began his speech by acknowledging the incomplete results of the recent elections and expressing concern over the significant gains made by far-right parties across Europe. He criticized President Macron’s party for its poor showing in the elections and the increasing influence of extreme right-wing ideologies. Mélenchon emphasized the importance of embracing a diverse and inclusive vision of France, which he referred to as a “creolized” nation.

The LFI leader criticized President Macron for not putting his own mandate at stake and instead choosing to dissolve the National Assembly. Despite his criticism, Mélenchon acknowledged that Macron had made the right decision to dissolve the assembly due to his lack of legitimacy to pursue the policies favoring social injustice. He stressed the importance of reaffirming the principles of being “insubordinate” and having confidence in the people.

Mélenchon called for unity on the left to prevent the rise of the extreme right in France. He urged left-wing parties to come together and work towards a common goal of defeating extreme right-wing ideologies. He emphasized the need for a strong coalition that prioritizes the interests of the people over political infighting and alliances that can be easily broken. Mélenchon challenged the left to learn from their mistakes in the recent elections and to work towards a united front against the far-right.

During his speech, Mélenchon highlighted the success of the left in the 2022 legislative elections and urged them to repeat this success in the upcoming elections. He emphasized the need for a clear and decisive stance against the extreme right and called for a united effort to ensure that the values of inclusivity and social justice are upheld in French politics. Mélenchon’s speech was met with applause and support from his supporters at the LFI headquarters in Paris.

In conclusion, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s speech on June 9, 2024, underscored the urgent need for unity on the left to combat the rise of the extreme right in France. He criticized President Macron for lacking legitimacy and called for a strong mobilization to ensure that the voice of the people is heard. Mélenchon’s message resonated with his supporters, who have vowed to work together to create a more inclusive and just society in France.

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