Today, Emanuele Orsini, a prominent businessman in the wood construction and food industries in Emilia, was elected as the new president of Confindustria. Chosen by the general council on April 4th, he was officially elected today by the assembly in via dell’Astronomia to lead the industrialists for the 2024-2028 term. Orsini received an overwhelming 93% of the vote, with 789 in favor, 4 opposed, out of 848 present out of 865 eligible voters (98%). He will now lead the representation of industrialists, who encompass over 150,000 associated companies with more than 5 million employees, contributing 34% to the GDP.

Orsini’s election marks a unification of via dell’Astronomia following the electoral campaign. The high percentage of affirmative votes in relation to valid votes (a metric used as a comparison with past elections) has only been achieved in the past by Emma Marcegaglia and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo. However, in those instances, a single candidate was presented at the end of the electoral term, unlike Orsini’s election, which followed a heated competition among multiple candidates. This overwhelming support from the industrial community demonstrates their confidence in Orsini’s leadership and vision for the future of Italian industries.

As president, Orsini will wield significant influence over the industrial landscape, with his leadership expected to bring stability and growth to the sector. With the backing of a vast network of businesses and employees, Orsini’s presidency is poised to shape policies and strategies that will impact not only the industrial sector but also the broader economy. His experience in the wood construction and food industries positions him well to understand the challenges and opportunities facing Italian businesses, allowing him to advocate effectively on their behalf.

The mandate provided by the industrial community through this election reflects a desire for strong, capable leadership that can navigate the complexities of the modern economic landscape. Orsini’s overwhelming support underscores the faith placed in his ability to steer Confindustria and its members towards continued success and prosperity. With a mandate spanning four years, Orsini has the opportunity to make a lasting impact on Italian industry, steering it towards innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness in the global marketplace.

The unity displayed by the industrialists in selecting Orsini as their president bodes well for the future of Confindustria and its members. By coming together to support a leader who can represent their interests effectively, the industrial community has signaled its readiness to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in the evolving business environment. Orsini’s presidency thus represents a new chapter for Confindustria, one marked by solidarity, vision, and a shared commitment to advancing the interests of Italian industrialists on the national and international stages.

In conclusion, Emanuele Orsini’s election as president of Confindustria heralds a new era of leadership for Italy’s industrial sector. With a strong mandate from the industrial community, Orsini is well-positioned to drive growth, innovation, and sustainability in the sector, benefiting not only member companies but the Italian economy as a whole. His election represents a vote of confidence in his leadership abilities and vision for the future, setting the stage for a period of stability and progress in Italian industry under his guidance.

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