Ellen DeGeneres recently opened up about her health struggles and mental health issues in her new Netflix special, “For Your Approval.” The former “Ellen DeGeneres Show” host revealed that she has been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, OCD, and ADHD. DeGeneres candidly discussed how aging has impacted her, jokingly referring to herself as a human sandcastle due to her osteoporosis diagnosis. She also shared her experience seeking therapy after facing backlash and hatred from fans, resulting in her learning about her OCD and ADHD.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to a reduction in bone strength, increasing the risk of fractures. DeGeneres recounted how she discovered her osteoporosis after experiencing excruciating pain and receiving a bone density test. She admitted that it can be challenging to be honest about aging, acknowledging the difficulty of seeming cool while discussing the effects of getting older. Despite the challenges, DeGeneres humorously shared her experiences and joked about her health conditions.

In addition to her osteoporosis diagnosis, DeGeneres also revealed that she sought therapy and learned about her OCD and ADHD. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by uncontrollable thoughts and repetitive behaviors, while ADHD involves symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. DeGeneres shared that she had limited knowledge about OCD prior to her diagnosis and initially thought the “O” stood for “organized.” She also discovered that her dad likely had OCD, suggesting that it could be hereditary.

DeGeneres further discussed her struggles with ADHD, explaining how it makes it difficult for her to focus and sit down to concentrate on tasks. Despite the challenges posed by her health conditions, DeGeneres maintained her sense of humor throughout the special. She joked about her memory loss and how her ADD, OCD, and other health issues ultimately made her well-adjusted, highlighting the absurdity and humor in her situation.

Aside from her health revelations, DeGeneres also addressed the controversy surrounding her handling of the workplace environment on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” The show came under fire for allegedly fostering a toxic workplace culture of racism, fear, and intimidation, leading to its end in 2022 after 19 seasons. DeGeneres openly discussed the public scrutiny and criticism she faced, emphasizing the importance of knowing the truth and not letting others’ opinions dictate her sense of self.

Throughout her special, DeGeneres shared personal anecdotes, insights, and reflections on her health journey, mental health struggles, and the challenges she faced in the public eye. Despite the difficulties she encountered, DeGeneres maintained her sense of humor, resilience, and authenticity, offering a candid look into her life and experiences. By opening up about her health conditions and mental health issues, DeGeneres highlighted the importance of seeking help, being honest about one’s struggles, and finding humor in the face of adversity.

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