The Democrats have been quick to label anyone who doubts the integrity of the 2020 election as “election deniers” and a threat to democracy. However, their efforts to protect democracy may be misguided as President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are low, and he is trailing in polls against Donald Trump for the 2024 election. The Democrats’ performance on various issues suggests that their party may be the real threat to election integrity and democracy this year.

The Democratic Party’s narrative of saving democracy and their intense dislike for Trump is leading to rhetoric that may justify playing dirty in order to achieve what they view as a higher purpose than adhering to the laws. The party’s opposition to voter ID laws and efforts to censor dissenting voices have raised concerns that they may not accept defeat gracefully in the upcoming election. This behavior is causing many to question if the Democrats would let themselves lose an election under any circumstances.

The Jan. 6 Capitol riot gave Democrats the moral high ground on elections, but their attempt to inflate the event into a full-blown insurrection and label anyone questioning the 2020 election as enemies of democracy has led to them discarding that advantage. The pandemic created an unprecedented election with many voters casting mail-in ballots without the usual safeguards, which raises concerns about the fairness of the election. Silicon Valley oligarchs and mainstream media outlets also played a role in shaping the narrative surrounding the election.

There are signs that Democrats may be willing to bend or break rules if they believe it will benefit them. Their attempts to label election laws aimed at ensuring a fair count as “election subversion” appear to be more about projecting their own intentions rather than protecting the election process. The possibility of Democrats attempting their own insurrection through Congress to invalidate an Electoral College vote against Biden is also being speculated about, raising concerns about how the 2024 election may unfold.

Both major political parties may struggle to accept a result that goes against them, but Democrats have shown a willingness to do whatever it takes to win, even going as far as engaging in legal battles. The question remains whether a clear victory for Trump would be enough to prevent chaos in the 2024 election. The political landscape is fraught with uncertainty, and the future of democracy in America hangs in the balance as the next election approaches.

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