Actress and television presenter Elisa Mouliaá, 35, filed a complaint against former parliamentary spokesperson Iñigo Errejón of Sumar for an alleged episode of gender-based violence that she reportedly experienced three years ago. The complaint, which details events that could point to three alleged sexual assault offenses, states that the incidents occurred one night in September 2021. Both had attended a party together, and according to Mouliaá, the politician sexually assaulted her by kissing her without consent in an elevator, then took her into a room, locked the door, and touched her without consent, even exposing himself. They then went to Errejón’s home, where he again tried to have sexual relations, which she objected to, stating that she felt uncomfortable and violated. The police have forwarded the complaint to the courts in Madrid, and it will be investigated by the Court of Instruction number 47.

The alleged triple episode of sexual violence reportedly occurred after Mouliaá attended a book presentation by Errejón. After the event, she invited him to a party hosted by friends in Madrid. During the party, Errejón allegedly became jealous when she danced with a friend and forcefully led her into a room, where he kissed and touched her without consent. He then took her to his home, where he continued to make unwanted advances. Despite her expressing discomfort and concerns for her sick daughter, Errejón persisted, prompting her to leave his home. In a subsequent phone call with a friend, Mouliaá revealed her disappointment in Errejón’s behavior and detailed the events, prompting her to file a formal complaint with the police.

The police will now investigate the veracity of the allegations by interviewing witnesses and reviewing any available evidence. If there is sufficient evidence against the alleged perpetrator, legal action will be taken, with the outcome reported to the judicial authorities. The scandal involving Errejón erupted when journalist Cristina Fallarás shared a testimonial from a woman who described experiencing sexual violence from a politician in Madrid known as the “socially conscious” figure. Following public outcry and additional women coming forward with similar allegations, Errejón resigned from his political positions and public life, acknowledging his mistakes and expressing regret for his behavior.

Elisa Mouliaá was the first to publicly denounce Errejón, sharing her experience on social media and speaking out about her ordeal with the media. She explained that fear and concerns for her career had prevented her from speaking out earlier but felt compelled to do so now. Despite initial reluctance to report the incident, Mouliaá confided in her family and friends about the situation. Haunted by the trauma, she decided to come forward to hold her abuser accountable and seek justice. In response to mounting pressure, Errejón stepped down from his political responsibilities and faced consequences for his actions.

In the aftermath of the allegations, Errejón’s once close collaborators distanced themselves, cautioning him to address his personal life. More Madrid and other political entities demanded his resignation, prompting him to step down from his roles and face public scrutiny for his behavior. The case sheds light on the pervasive issue of gender-based violence and the importance of holding individuals in positions of power accountable for their actions. Elisa Mouliaá’s courage in speaking out has sparked a larger conversation about the need for accountability and justice in cases of abuse and misconduct.

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