During a speech at the Festival dell’economia in Trento, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stated that taking on the role of prime minister is not worth it. She emphasized that the position requires significant responsibility and must be approached with a sense of duty rather than personal ambition. Meloni also expressed her belief that the reform of the prime minister role is necessary in Italy to ensure effective governance and accountability.

Meloni further asserted that she is not interested in simply occupying the position of prime minister for the sake of power or prestige. She emphasized the need for a leader who is willing to make tough decisions and take bold actions to address the challenges facing Italy. Meloni made it clear that she is not interested in simply “warming the seat” or “surviving” in the position, and that she would not be the right person for the job if that were the case.

The phrase “o la va o la spacca”, which translates to “make it or break it”, was used by Meloni to emphasize the importance of decisive leadership and a commitment to making significant changes in Italy. She highlighted the need for bold and innovative solutions to address the country’s economic and social challenges. Meloni’s statement reflects her determination to lead with conviction and courage, and her willingness to confront difficult issues head-on.

Meloni’s remarks at the Festival dell’economia underscore her dedication to serving Italy and her belief in the importance of genuine leadership. She emphasized the need to move beyond mere survival in the political arena and focus on making meaningful and lasting contributions to the country. Meloni’s statements reflect her commitment to driving positive change and her willingness to challenge the status quo in order to achieve progress.

In conclusion, Giorgia Meloni’s comments at the Festival dell’economia in Trento highlight her unique approach to leadership and her commitment to transformative change in Italy. She emphasized the need for a new mindset in the political sphere, one focused on responsibility, courage, and innovation. Meloni’s statements reflect her strong belief in the importance of decisive leadership and her determination to enact meaningful reforms to benefit Italy and its citizens. Her message serves as a reminder of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the country, and the need for bold and visionary leadership to address them effectively.

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