Begoña Gómez, wife of Spanish President Pedro Sánchez, has been at the center of political debate for weeks due to attacks from the Popular Party (PP). The PP accuses the couple of conflict of interest and influence peddling in public loans and grants granted by the central government to three companies that have had some connection to the educational centers where Gómez has worked. The events in question date back to 2018. Gomez’s professional activities and economic interests that she acquired after becoming the president’s wife are under scrutiny. However, the main issue is the conflict of interest involving her husband, said Feijóo in early April.

During the summer of 2018, before moving to La Moncloa, Gómez was focused on fundraising for a charitable project in Tanzania and supporting an NGO for people with intellectual disabilities. She was working as a director of consultancy at Inmark Group. Subsequently, Gómez joined IE University as the director of Africa Center, a project focused on innovation in Africa. The contract included clauses of incompatibility to prevent any exploitation of her position for economic gain. The PP raised concerns about Gómez’s work with Africa Center and its connection to Wakalua and the Air Europa rescue during the pandemic.

In January 2019, Wakalua, an innovation hub, was launched with support from the World Tourism Organization and Globalia, the parent company of Air Europa. Gómez was involved in promoting partnerships between Africa Center and Wakalua. The PP raised questions about the relationship between Gómez, Wakalua, and Air Europa during the pandemic rescue. Subsequently, in November 2020, the government provided financial assistance to Air Europa, owned by Globalia, sparking further controversy and accusations of conflict of interest.

The PP also raised concerns about letters of support signed by Gómez in favor of a company led by entrepreneur Carlos Barrabés, which received public grants for training programs. These letters, along with other factors, played a role in the awarding of public funds. Gómez’s involvement with the University Complutense and the creation of fundraising master programs have been highlighted, along with her collaboration with various companies for educational projects. Legal experts have stated that while there may not be a direct legal case against Gómez, her actions could be seen as imprudent.

The controversy surrounding Gómez’s activities and their potential conflict of interest with her husband’s position as president has caused a political stir. While the government maintains that there is no evidence of improper conduct, the scrutiny of Gómez’s professional engagements continues. The PP’s accusations, legal assessments, and public responses all contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding Begoña Gómez’s activities. Ultimately, the impact of this controversy on the Spanish political landscape and public opinion remains to be seen.

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