EH Bildu is experiencing a surge in popularity and hopes to win the upcoming Basque elections on Sunday, April 21st. The party, known for its strong presence in recent elections, is favored to become the most voted force and surpass the PNV for the first time in 40 years. At a recent rally, party leader Arnaldo Otegi declared that the left-wing independence movement is poised to win the elections, which would be a significant triumph in itself. The candidate, Pello Otxandiano, has expressed his readiness to lead the country. EH Bildu aims to consolidate the left-wing vote, particularly from the space to the left of the PSOE, which currently holds six seats but is predicted to decline in the polls. They will compete with the PSE-PSOE, who is also appealing to leftist voters.

As the campaign enters its final stretch, parties are focused on securing their voter base and attracting support from other sectors. EH Bildu and PSE-PSOE are both targeting supporters of the left-wing confederal parties Podemos Alianza Verde and Sumar. At simultaneous rallies in San Sebastián and Tolosa, the parties made direct appeals to this electorate. The PSE candidate, Eneko Andueza, emphasized the value of socialist values and stability in governance, contrasting themselves with the internal conflicts of Podemos and Sumar. Pedro Sánchez, who closed the event, called on voters who supported the socialists in the past to concentrate their voting for Andueza.

Podemos received 8% of the vote in 2020, making them the fourth parliamentary force with six seats. This segment of the electorate is being courted by other leftist parties, as polls suggest that Podemos and Sumar could be left out of Parliament this time. Otegi has urged these voters to support EH Bildu for a change in the political landscape and to break the PNV’s dominance. A massive shift of votes to EH Bildu or PSE would mean the marginalization of Podemos and Sumar. Ione Belarra of Podemos has called for support for their candidate, Miren Gorrotxategi, as the only vote that can guarantee a left-wing government.

In the race for victory, the main contenders, Imanol Pradales (PNV) and Pello Otxandiano (EH Bildu), are contrasting their programs as they vie for the position of lehendakari. Otxandiano criticized Pradales for defending a partisan model, while the PNV representative accused EH Bildu of practicing a “policy of saying no to everything.” Pradales emphasized the PNV’s commitment to progress and welfare in difficult times, urging voters not to be misled by the opposition. The PNV is concerned about voter turnout on April 21st, as lower participation reduces their party’s chances of success. Meanwhile, EH Bildu exudes confidence and joy, with Otegi expressing optimism about Otxandiano’s prospects of becoming lehendakari.

Overall, the Basque elections are shaping up to be a highly contested race, with EH Bildu and PSE-PSOE vying for the left-wing vote while facing off against the PNV. The outcome will likely depend on voter turnout and the ability of the parties to rally support in the final days of campaigning. EH Bildu’s strong showing in recent polls indicates that they are well positioned to make significant gains in the elections, potentially shifting the balance of power in the region. The election results will have far-reaching implications for the future of Basque politics and may signal a new era of governance in the region.

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