Egypt has announced that it will be entering a genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice, joining South Africa. The case accuses Israel of failing to meet its obligations under the Genocide Convention, specifically citing worsening attacks on Gazan civilians. The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the submission comes in light of the severity and scope of Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, including direct targeting of civilians and destruction of infrastructure.

South Africa had previously filed a case against Israel in January, while the death toll in Gaza has reportedly surpassed 35,000 people, according to Gazan health officials. Many of the victims are said to be women and children. Israel’s ongoing attacks on Gaza were triggered by a surprise attack by Hamas on an outdoor concert in Israel, leading to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing to destroy Hamas in retaliation. However, as the war continued and the death toll rose, Netanyahu risked losing international support, including from the United States.

The United States has called on Netanyahu to moderate the attacks on Gaza in light of civilian casualties and stated that it would not supply Israel with weapons for a ground invasion of Rafah, where many Palestinians have sought safety. Humanitarian officials have faced danger as well, with 7 international workers from the World Central Kitchen being killed by Israeli shelling in April. The CEO of World Central Kitchen described the attack as unforgivable and an assault on humanitarian organizations providing aid in dire situations.

Workers have also experienced challenges in getting medical and other humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, leaving civilians vulnerable to hunger and disease. Egypt has joined Turkey and Colombia in the case against Israel, with Turkey committing to joining after Colombia signed on last month. They are asking the ICJ to ensure the safety and existence of the Palestinian people. Despite the filing of the genocide case against Israel, it could take years for the ICJ to make a determination, and even if they find merit in the charges, the rulings are largely symbolic and carry no enforcement actions or penalties.

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