Michel Barnier is continuing his consultations with various political parties, meeting with Horizons and MoDem after meeting with members of Ensemble pour la République. He is attending parliamentary days of Horizons, Edouard Philippe’s party, in Reims, and will also visit MoDem’s in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne). While his participation in the parliamentary days of Les Républicains, the party he comes from, has not been confirmed yet. Barnier also met with former Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau, MoDem group president in the National Assembly, as well as Stéphane Séjourné, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of Renaissance, and Hervé Marseille, President of the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) and the Centrist Union group in the Senate. He also had lunch with former Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire, and his delegate for public accounts, Thomas Cazenave, both who resigned.

On Monday, Barnier met with members of the Liberty, Independents, Overseas, and Territories group, and on Sunday, he met with leaders of Horizons and MoDem, including François Bayrou. On the other hand, leaders of the Socialist Party, including Olivier Faure and Boris Vallaud, declined to meet with Barnier until after he delivers his general policy statement at the National Assembly, as stated by their entourage. From the communist side, Fabien Roussel, National Secretary of the PCF, announced a meeting with Barnier alongside André Chassaigne, President of the Democratic and Republican Left group in the National Assembly, and Cécile Cukierman, President of the Communist Republican Citizen and Ecologist – Kanaky group in the Senate, scheduled for next Tuesday.

The meetings with various political parties and leaders show Barnier’s efforts to engage with a wide range of stakeholders across the political spectrum as he continues his consultations as Prime Minister. His engagement with parties like Horizons, MoDem, Les Républicains, and socialist and communist parties demonstrates his commitment to building partnerships and seeking input from diverse sources before formulating his policies and plans for the future of the country. These consultations are crucial in ensuring a collaborative and inclusive approach to governance and decision-making.

Barnier’s discussions with party leaders and members of different political groups also highlight the importance of dialogue and communication in the political process. By engaging with a diverse range of perspectives and opinions, he is able to gain a better understanding of the various concerns and priorities within the political landscape. This approach can help in fostering consensus-building, creating unity, and finding common ground on key issues that affect the country and its citizens.

Overall, Barnier’s efforts to meet with various political parties and leaders demonstrate his commitment to engaging in a comprehensive and inclusive consultation process as Prime Minister. By seeking feedback and input from a wide range of stakeholders, he is working towards building consensus, fostering collaboration, and developing policies that reflect the diverse perspectives and priorities of different political groups. These consultations are essential in shaping a cohesive and effective government that can address the challenges and issues facing the country in a unified and coordinated manner.

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