Emmanuel Macron is set to travel to New Caledonia to establish a mission, according to Prisca Thevenot, government spokesperson. The President will depart “as soon as tonight” to install a mission, although the details of this mission and the duration of his stay on the archipelago have not been specified. Thevenot emphasized that a return to order is a prerequisite for any dialogue, especially as a controversial electoral reform must be approved before the end of June by the Congress, which consists of senators and deputies.

The extension of the state of emergency, declared on Wednesday, was not discussed during the Council of Ministers meeting. The government spokesperson acknowledged that while calm is being restored, the situation has not completely normalized. It is clear that there is still much work to be done before a return to normalcy. The exceptional situation cannot be prolonged beyond twelve days without submitting a text to Parliament. Any potential extension would require the approval of the National Assembly and the Senate before May 27.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal will also have the opportunity to visit the archipelago in the coming weeks, as announced by Thevenot. Since 2020, the New Caledonia dossier has not been directly managed by Matignon, and some former Prime Ministers are advocating for it to be once again handled from Rue de Varenne. Despite the challenges faced, the government remains committed to finding a political solution for the territory.

The situation in New Caledonia remains delicate, as tensions have escalated over the controversial electoral reform. The need for a return to order to facilitate constructive dialogue is essential, and the government is focused on addressing the underlying issues to promote stability. The deployment of a mission by President Macron demonstrates a commitment to engaging with the situation on the ground and working towards a peaceful resolution.

The government’s proactive approach to the crisis in New Caledonia is evident through President Macron’s swift response in establishing a mission and Prime Minister Attal’s planned visit. The prioritization of dialogue and a political solution underscores the government’s commitment to resolving the issues in a peaceful and constructive manner. With ongoing efforts to address the root causes of the unrest, there is hope for a resolution that respects the interests and aspirations of all parties involved.

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