Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa’s decision to raid Mexico’s embassy has shocked world leaders, but it seems to have resonated with his constituents who were looking for an action-oriented leader to tackle rampant crime in the country. Noboa, known for his tough stance on crime and corruption, has gained a strong image boost among Ecuadorians for his bold actions. His decision to raid the embassy to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who was granted asylum by Mexico, has been viewed as a necessary step to uphold the rule of law and protect national security.

Noboa inherited a country plagued by widespread corruption and escalating violence fueled by drug cartels. Last year marked Ecuador’s bloodiest on record, with over 7,600 homicides, a sharp increase from the previous year. The president has responded by promising to equip the police and armed forces, build prisons, and crack down on criminal organizations. He has also labeled several groups as terrorist organizations and plans to extend the military’s powers to patrol the streets and control prisons. Despite the diplomatic fallout from the embassy raid, Noboa’s actions have garnered support from the majority of Ecuadorians.

The raid on the Mexican embassy has sparked global condemnation, with Mexico planning to challenge the breach at the World Court in The Hague. However, within Ecuador, Noboa’s display of force has been praised by many as a courageous act to clean up the country and maintain the rule of law. Business groups believe that the diplomatic fallout with Mexico will not significantly impact trade relations, as they expect the issues to be resolved and trade agreements to resume. Noboa’s popularity remains high, with confidence in his presidency and crime-fighting initiatives.

Ecuador is set to hold presidential elections in February, and Noboa’s eligibility for reelection poses a significant political challenge amid the fallout from the embassy raid. The country’s once peaceful atmosphere has been disrupted by the expansion of Mexican and Colombian cartels, shifting Ecuador into a center for drug trafficking operations. Noboa’s break in diplomatic relations with Mexico could hinder international cooperation in combating criminal organizations. Despite criticism from some international actors, Noboa’s focus on tackling crime and corruption within Ecuador has garnered support domestically.

The U.S., a key ally in Ecuador’s efforts to combat drug cartels, emphasized the importance of respecting diplomatic missions under international law. While Noboa’s actions have drawn global scrutiny, his commitment to cracking down on crime and corruption resonates with many Ecuadorians who are desperate for a safer and more stable country. As Noboa faces political challenges both internally and internationally, his tough stance on crime and corruption may prove to be a significant factor in shaping his presidency and the future of Ecuador.

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