A training exercise was held in Antalya for earthquake preparedness. According to the scenario, a magnitude 6 earthquake struck the district of Kemer at 07:59. Following reports of collapsed buildings in the neighborhoods of Göynük in Kemer and Ahirtas and Asar Kale in Dosemealti, a total of 402 personnel were directed to the reported locations under the coordination of AFAD.

The exercise, monitored by Governor Hulusi Sahin at the crisis center set up in the AFAD building, was a realistic simulation of a major earthquake. In the search and rescue operations coordinated by AFAD, 402 personnel rescued 11 injured individuals from the debris as per the scenario, and recovered the body of one deceased person. Additionally, a fire that broke out in the area was promptly extinguished by firefighters.

Due to the lack of cellphone reception in the area, communication between the teams was maintained using radios. The Turkey Radio Amateur Society (TRAC) set up mobile antennas in the debris zone to relay all communication traffic from the field to the crisis center in the city center in real-time. This ensured that information about the needs and the current situation in the area was promptly provided.

The exercise also tested the coordination and response capabilities of various agencies involved in disaster management. Special attention was given to ensuring efficient communication and logistical support, such as medical assistance and firefighting services, in the event of a real earthquake. The exercise provided valuable insights and lessons on how to improve readiness and response in case of a actual earthquake in the region.

Overall, the earthquake drill in Antalya was successful in simulating a realistic scenario of a major earthquake and testing the preparedness and response capabilities of emergency response teams. The participation of various agencies, the coordination of efforts, and the use of communication technologies like radios and mobile antennas demonstrated the importance of effective coordination and communication in disaster response. The exercise highlighted the need for continued training and readiness efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents in the event of a real earthquake in the region.

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