The Biden administration has initiated the early stages of a process to move forward with a new $1 billion arms deal for Israel, according to congressional sources. The State Department has begun discussions with the House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations committees about the potential sale after an informal notification on Tuesday. While there is no set timeline for official notification to Congress, the process has been set in motion for approval.

The decision to pursue this new arms deal comes as the Biden administration has halted the shipment of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs to Israel due to concerns about their use in densely populated areas. The proposed $1 billion arms sale could potentially include $700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds. While the discussions have begun with Congress, the actual delivery of these weapons to Israel is not imminent and would require approval through a potentially lengthy congressional process.

US officials have stated that other weapons shipments to Israel are also under review, but they affirm their commitment to ensuring Israel’s military capacity for self-defense. Although the shipment of 2,000-pound bombs has been paused, the US government continues to provide military assistance and intends to fulfill its commitments to Israel under the supplemental agreement. National security adviser Jake Sullivan emphasized the importance of not dropping such weapons in densely populated cities and stated that discussions are ongoing with the Israeli government.

The State Department and Pentagon have not provided additional comments on the informal notification of the new arms sale for Israel. However, the administration’s intent to proceed with the deal indicates a continued support for Israel’s defense capabilities. Despite the pause in certain weapons shipments, long-term arms deals with Israel are expected to continue, subject to the necessary approval processes. The ongoing discussions between the US government and Israel demonstrate a commitment to balancing security assistance with humanitarian concerns.

Overall, the initiation of discussions with Congress on a new arms deal for Israel reflects the Biden administration’s approach to reviewing and potentially adjusting the country’s military assistance policies. While specific details of the proposed $1 billion sale are still being discussed, it represents a significant commitment to supporting Israel’s defense needs. With the wheels in motion for this deal, the process of formal notification and approval will be closely monitored by lawmakers and stakeholders to ensure a thorough review of the potential arms transfer.

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