Lawyers for E. Jean Carroll are seeking an expedited appeal of the verdict in their first trial against former President Donald Trump, in which a jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages for defamation and battery in May 2023. Carroll’s legal team is concerned that Trump may try to delay the proceedings further by using his ongoing criminal trial or busy campaign schedule as excuses. They have filed a motion with the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals, citing Trump’s past attempts to delay the trials as evidence that he may drag out the appeal process.

The motion argues that Trump has shown a pattern of dilatory and obstructionist behavior throughout the proceedings, and that he may try to push back any scheduled oral arguments for the appeal well into 2025. Carroll’s lawyers believe an expedited appellate ruling on the first trial would help promote a timely resolution in Trump’s separate appeal of the verdict in the second trial, which saw the jury award Carroll $83.3 million in damages for defamation.

Carroll’s legal team is also asking the appeals court to take into account the author’s advancing age, as she is an 80-year-old woman who has been fighting for justice for nearly five years. The motion emphasizes the importance of a swift resolution for Carroll, given her age and the length of time the legal battles have been ongoing. The request for an expedited appeal is aimed at ensuring that Carroll can receive the justice she has been seeking in a timely manner.

The motion filed with the appeals court highlights Trump’s history of attempting to delay legal proceedings and suggests that he may continue this pattern during the appeal process. Carroll’s lawyers are pushing for oral arguments to be scheduled by July, in order to prevent further delays in resolving the legal issues between Carroll and Trump. They argue that an expedited ruling on the first trial would help move the proceedings forward and bring closure to the legal disputes between the two parties.

Carroll’s legal team is focused on obtaining justice for their client, who has spent nearly five years fighting for accountability from Trump. The motion emphasizes the need for a timely resolution, given Carroll’s age and the challenges she has faced in pursuing justice. By requesting an expedited appeal, Carroll’s lawyers hope to bring a swift end to the legal battles and provide closure for Carroll, who has been seeking justice for a significant period of time.

Overall, Carroll’s lawyers are seeking an expedited appeal of the verdict in their first trial against Donald Trump, in order to move the legal proceedings forward and provide Carroll with the justice she has been seeking. The motion filed with the appeals court highlights Trump’s history of attempting to delay proceedings and argues that an expedited ruling would help bring closure to the legal disputes between Carroll and Trump. The focus is on promoting a timely resolution and ensuring that justice is served for Carroll in a timely manner.

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