Governments need to set targets and goals in order to achieve important outcomes, such as the reduction of emissions to maintain climate stability. Peter Dutton’s refusal to adhere to such targets, as well as his plan to resurrect nuclear energy, puts Australia’s international reputation and economic future at risk. Without targets, the Liberal Party’s plan is risky and does not address the urgent need for action to combat climate change.

The upcoming federal election is showing a tight race, with Dutton proving to be an effective negative campaigner. However, there is a lack of hope and vision for the future, particularly in terms of overcoming challenges and creating a positive future for children and grandchildren. It is important for leaders to inspire and have a bold vision for the country, rather than focus on fear-mongering and negative campaigning.

The focus on climate change and the impact on the planet overlooks the fact that the real issue is preventing the extinction of the human race. The planet will continue to exist regardless of its condition, but it is crucial to focus on creating a plan to save humankind. The debate should shift towards actions that will ensure the survival of humanity in the face of climate change and environmental challenges.

There is a concerning trend of discrimination and lack of support for LGBTQI students in some religious schools, highlighting the need for stronger protections and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws. Teachers and educators should be able to advocate for their students without fear of retaliation, and schools should be held accountable for fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

The issue of domestic violence and murders within the family home is a growing concern, with politicians being called out for neglecting the true extent of the problem. While crime rates in Sydney may be lower than in other cities, the increase in domestic murders highlights the need for greater attention and action to address the root causes of domestic violence and protect vulnerable individuals, especially women.

The debate over gas and electric cooking reflects a shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Electric induction cooktops are gaining popularity due to their lower carbon footprint and health benefits compared to gas cooking. The push towards electric cooking in rental properties is a positive step towards reducing emissions and promoting a healthier living environment for residents.

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