During a campaign speech in Glendale, Arizona, Trump campaign vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance criticized the plea deal taken by three terrorists behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks awaiting trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Vance slammed the Biden-Harris Department of Justice for cutting a deal with al-Qaeda terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to avoid the death penalty. He expressed his disbelief and disappointment in this decision, highlighting that he enlisted in the Marines to serve after the 9/11 attacks. Vance emphasized the need for a president who kills terrorists rather than negotiates with them, calling out the current administration for being a disaster for the country.

The Department of Defense (DoD) announced that pretrial agreements were entered into with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi. The terms of the plea deals were not disclosed, but the suspects will be spared the death penalty. These individuals are accused of providing training and financial support to the terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks, resulting in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. The families of the victims expressed outrage upon hearing about the plea deals and felt that justice was not being served.

House Speaker Mike Johnson condemned the prosecutors’ decision, stating that the plea deal was a slap in the face of the families who have waited for justice for over two decades. President Biden had rejected a previous plea deal that would have excused the 9/11 architects from potentially facing the death penalty. The suspects are now scheduled to be sentenced in Guantánamo Bay on August 5. Vance further criticized the Biden-Harris administration for its weaknesses, pointing to the alleged fraudulent reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro as another example of failures in foreign policy.

Vance highlighted the administration’s dealings with dictators around the world, citing the alleged fraudulent reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro as an example. He stated that the administration had offered Maduro free and fair elections in exchange for certain agreements. Vance criticized the administration for not prioritizing American strength and called for the return of Donald J. Trump as president to bring back that strength. He emphasized the importance of strong leadership in dealing with international threats and the need to prioritize American interests above negotiating with dictators.

The plea deals with the 9/11 terrorists have sparked controversy and criticism from various quarters, with many expressing disappointment and outrage over the decision to spare them the death penalty. The families of the victims who have waited for justice for over two decades feel that the plea deals are a betrayal of their loved ones who died in the attacks. Calls for stronger action against terrorists and dictators around the world have intensified in the wake of these developments, with many urging the Biden-Harris administration to prioritize American interests and security. The outcome of this case and the broader implications for counterterrorism efforts remain to be seen as the suspects await sentencing in Guantánamo Bay.

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