During his visit to Kyiv on May 14, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized America’s long-term commitment to Ukraine’s security, stating that Ukraine can count on its partners for sustainable, long-term support. Over 30 countries have joined the Group of Seven (G7) Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine, with bilateral agreements already signed with countries like the U.K., Germany, France, and Canada. Ukraine is aiming to complete a similar bilateral security agreement with the U.S. in May, focusing on various defense and security capabilities. Blinken also highlighted the importance of NATO in Ukraine’s defense strategy, stating that Ukraine has a lot to offer the alliance and that NATO will be more secure with Ukraine by its side.

Blinken did not specify a timeline for Ukraine’s accession to NATO but mentioned tangible steps to increase NATO’s role in building a capable Ukrainian force and supporting ongoing reforms. He assured Ukraine that the U.S. would work with them at the highest levels in the event of an attack and continue supplying them with the weapons needed for defense. In terms of self-sustaining defense infrastructure, Blinken stressed the importance of increasing domestic production capabilities and strengthening the economy. Ukraine has recently signed multiple security agreements with allied countries to secure its path to victory and ensure its security while working towards NATO membership.

President Volodymyr Zelensky’s diplomatic adviser mentioned that Ukraine is negotiating 10 more bilateral deals with allied countries to bolster its security. These agreements, signed in early 2024, will span the next decade and aim to enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities and support its aspirations for NATO membership. The U.S. support for Ukraine includes not only military aid but also economic and democratic assistance to help Ukraine stand on its own two feet. The Ukrainian people share the same goal of guaranteeing their security and prosperity without relying on external assistance.

The U.S. has been a key supporter of Ukraine’s defense efforts, with President Joe Biden sending ammunition, armed vehicles, missiles, and air defenses immediately after Congress approved a massive aid package. Blinken reiterated the urgency of bolstering Ukraine’s defense capabilities and ensuring a strong economy to support self-sustainability. He highlighted the need for Ukraine to thrive economically to have a resilient defense infrastructure. While the details of the bilateral security agreement with the U.S. are yet to be finalized, Ukraine is on track to secure its path to victory with the support of its allies and partners.

Overall, Blinken’s visit to Kyiv underscored the unwavering commitment of the U.S. and its allies to Ukraine’s security and sovereignty. By signing bilateral agreements and coordinating with NATO, Ukraine is taking significant steps towards strengthening its defense capabilities and pursuing membership in the alliance. The ongoing support from countries like the U.S., U.K., and Canada demonstrates a united front in standing with Ukraine against external threats. As Ukraine works towards self-sustainability and increased domestic production, the international community remains dedicated to supporting its journey towards a secure and prosperous future.

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